(no subject)

Dec 02, 2016 21:09

Remember my fun sinus infection?

Well, after yet another treatment of antibiotics that wasn't working I finally got an appointment with a ear-nose-throat specialist this morning. He was so nice, didn't even get all awkward after I burst into tears (not sleeping properly since Sunday because of pain will do that to you), turns out he knew both my dad and my grandfather on the other side. Anyway, after looking carefully at the MRI and listening to me tell my very long tale of woe he said it really didn't sound like a sinus infection at all, it must either be in my teeth or, worst case scenario, a damaged nerve since apparently there's a big one that splits in three ways across your face, in all the places I've been hurting. But he told me we really had to rule out the teeth first and that I should go straight to the dentist and have them look further for a crack or anything that might explain it (and to have the dentist call him if she wouldn't take me in on the spot, because this really couldn't wait), then gave me a prescription for really strong pain killers (which are still not working well enough, ow ow ow).

Well, I went, they took another x-ray and it still doesn't show anything. Knocking on the teeth gave them two equal suspects, just like last time. She consulted with a senior dentist and they decided that one of them (the one I thought it wasn't) was actually more likely, plus easier to open up than the other, so we should check that one first. She injected me with a shitload of anaesthetic but the moment she touched the tooth with the drill I went mad with pain. So I guess we found the culprit. Bad thing was, no matter how much they injected me with, the pain wouldn't go away. In the end they had to give up. I was put on some new antibiotics, these supposedly work especially on teeth, to take over the weekend and then we'll have to reassess the situation on Monday.

On one hand I'm glad we might have found the problem (only took two months of constant pain!), on the other I'm so disappointed they couldn't fix it today because god, I'm so, so tired. I think I haven't had a pain free day since September. And the strong painkillers aren't really working, not completely, and what if it doesn't get any better before Monday? I asked about them just knocking me out, but apparently there are only dental surgeries that have that option, and they really don't want to have to go that way unless it's absolutely necessary. Which, excuse me, I think it is. Because I really can't take this anymore.

On the much, much more brighter side we finally got a new kitty yesterday!

Her name is Tása (Toesie, she has white toes) and she is one year old. We got her from a shelter and so far she has spent most of her time in the girl's room. Well, she had her sterilising operation yesterday (they don't give cats from the shelter without it) and so we expected her to still be a bit woozy when we went to get her from the vet. Instead she roamed all over the house, hardly staying still at all, just walking around exploring for an hour and a half and then suddenly her adrenaline dried up and she started dropping her head and crossing her feet when she tried to walk, poor thing. But still wouldn't stay still until we all went to bed, then she got into bed with the girl and has stayed in her room since. But she purrs when we pet her and seems pretty affectionate so I'm not worried.

Ps. As I typed this she came up the stairs and is now playing with my yarn. So cute!

It's really hard to get good pics of her since she just won't stay still for longer than a few seconds.

OMG, where am I?

Starting to get droopy eyed.

teeth, health, cats

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