(no subject)

Mar 13, 2014 16:01

Anyone familiar with Amazon's CreateSpace? Not the fanfiction publishing thingy (I know that's got problems) but the regular book selfpublishing thingy. My teacher was at this writers/publishers conference last month and Amazon really made an effort of convincing people they were the best thing since sliced bread in regards to publishing. He was all sold but knowing about the problems with the fanfiction section I'm a bit more skeptical.

Problem is, even if I read their service agreement, I'm no closer to knowing if they're good or not. I'm pretty good talking and reading and writing English, that is until there's technical terms or legal jargon, then I get pretty lost.

So... What is the verdict? Is this what's to come? How do we stand as authors of the material published this way by THIS company? Is it a good deal? Why? Why not?

Bottom line, the chances of me getting Doors published through Icelandic publishers is pretty non existent seeing as it is in English. The thought of tackling the huge and scary and complicated word of publishing outside my little island is absolutely terrifying. So is this something I should look into? Print on demand? Or would it make the book so expensive no one would bother buying it? There is of course always the ebook possibility. I just really, really, REALLY want to see it printed. Childish, maybe. Emotionally, it just doesn't feel much different for me, making it into an ebook and just letting people download from AO3, since I can't SEE it or touch it. Not like it's gonna make me much money anyway. Well, I doubt it will anyway.

[ETA. I should mention I would want to offer an ebook as an option but I really want it printed as well.]


publishing, amazon

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