(no subject)

Jan 08, 2014 13:32

I'm writing a Doors!timestamp scene with Jared listening to Jensen singing so I plugged in my headphones and listened to Jensen Ackles sing Angeles to be able to better describe his voice. And if I ever needed supporting evidence that RPS is as much fiction as any other fanfiction (not that I do) I got it there. Because Jensen Ackles sounds nothing like Doors!Jensen. Just like Doors!Jensen sounds nothing like Mirror!Jensen who sounds nothing like Gunpoint!Jensen who sounds nothing like... any other Jensen I've written. They don't sound alike because they don't feel alike because they're not the same person, they all have different souls. And this is the same for non-AU RPS, those Jensens might be closer to the real deal but each and every one is still different from the next. Just as every single Dean I've written (and read) is, in my head, different from the next. Same applies of course to Jared/Sam and every other character in fan fiction. Even the stories I've read that are so perfectly in character that I can hear the guys saying every word, I can tell without a doubt that those characters in that story are not the same as same-named characters set in another verse by the same brilliant author.

People who don't write or read fan fiction sometimes ask what can possibly be fun about writing the same characters over and over again, why we don't rather create our own. Well duh, because they're not the same characters. The character in each verse is its own and I could easily pick one specific Jensen/Dean or Jared/Sam out of a line up of Jensens/Deans and Jareds/Sams, no problem. Even if they're all based on the same model and largely on that characters/actors manners, each has his own soul. So yes, I consider my Jensens/Deans and Jared/Sams my own, even if they are based on someone else. You know, just like every character ever written is based on one or more people the author met, saw or heard of in his life, recreated and given life, given a new soul, by that author.

And now I'll get back to my writing.

Ps. I've no interest in debating the merits or moral issues of RPF. I've written RPS for almost a decade, nothing anyone says will make me change my mind. But if you feel the need to rant, go ahead. At your own place, not mine.


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