New Year's Resolution: Be positive!

Jan 01, 2013 04:20

Happy New Year!!

Ok, instead of whining about the things I didn't manage to do in 2012 I'm going to focus on what I DID do and other happy things.

1. I did wonderfully well at Uni. Average grade of 8.92 (out of 10 possible) spring semester. Still don't know about the fall semester. I tried my hand at poetry and it didn't suck. I wrote 2 plays, the first one got performed on stage by real actors. Wrote 7 short stories. I have gotten to know wonderful people who are supportive and creative and inspiring.

2. I sent the new Doors to a big publishing company, Harper Voyager. I doubt anything will come out of it, they got sent thousands of manuscripts, but hey, I took that step at last. Maybe I'll be brave enough to send it to others once it's clear I'm out of the run at Harper's. They said if we didn't hear anything for three months that was it.

3. I got published! Only a drabble in a book we made ourselves but still, published! It was a Christmas book with 31 stories, one for each day of December, all of them exactly 100 words. We recorded reading them and they were broadcast on the national radio in December, 2-3 stories each day until Christmas. 500 books were printed and although we bought most of them ourselves for our friends and families as Christmas presents, the ones that we put in bookshops sold fairly well. We even got a special mention in the news paper.

4. I finally finished the story that had been kicking my ass for over two years. It hasn't been posted yet but I did finish it! It came to roughly 130.000 words of emo!Jensen and deppo!Jared. Hope you'll enjoy it soon in the new year. Well, maybe enjoy isn't quite the right word... Find it interesting?

5. We visited my dad in Sweden and had a great summer holiday there despite the rough news that greeted us on arrival. Dad is taking a break from his cancer treatment over the holidays, it's been tough but going okay as far as they can tell. *crosses fingers*

6. Me and hubby celebrated 20 years of being together on March 4th. 20 years and still going as strong as ever. He is my soulmate and I couldn't love him more if I tried. *squishes him*

7. I turned forty and had the best party EVER. Great friends, wonderful family, yummy food, lots of wine and... presents!! Dancing and toasts and embarrassing videos and lots and lots of love.

8. The kids keep growing bigger and more amazing. My daughter is a wonderful artist and she made second place in her school's talent show for her singing. My son is a computer wiz and speaks English almost fluently at 9 years old. But most importantly, they're kind and sweet and funny and only drive me crazy sometimes.

9. After repeated cancer scares (which I admit mostly took place in my head but come on, if there's something wrong and a doc mentions there's always the possibility it's cancer, that IS fucking scary, okay?) I got a call two weeks ago telling me there were no signs of anything like that. I still have to deal with my continual vaginal problems but hey, at least it's not cancer!

10. I have wonderful online friends, fandom is an amazing if sometime scary place, there have been so many good stories this year, so much beautiful art and meta and love. The boys are more beautiful than ever, the Impala is back and what the writers don't deliver, fandom will.

I love you guys, have a wonderful 2013!!

uni, new year, health, family, rl, writing

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