(no subject)

Dec 05, 2012 22:54

Ugh, two days without glasses is two days too many. *rubs tired eyes*

I ended up having to buy new frames and lenses but they're giving me a 70% discount. Yay? I'm not that happy about it since if they'd still carried the same frames I'd have gotten new ones for free and just been able to use the old lenses. On the other hand it was time for new lenses because 1) it's been 3 1/2 years and my eyesight has changed a bit (not much but a little) and I'd started to feel it lately and 2) one of the lenses was scratched a bit. So yeah, I'm getting a whole new set (red this time since they don't have the same purple colour anymore) plus insurance for less than I'd have to pay for just new lenses. Which is of course an amazing deal. BUT it was so not on the budget right now, not with Christmas just around the corner and us still being more or less broke since my birthday party. (I still think it was worth it, just, you know, expensive as fuck.)

I was supposed to get them today but apparently they got busy or something because when I called as we were about to pick them up they still hadn't gotten around to it. So tomorrow it is. I've been working on the computer all day, finishing my play, so my eyes are pretty tired.

Oh, also I'm getting old. That's what the optician told me, although in a nicer way. Then he explained a whole bunch of things about how that eyes-getting-old thing works and I sat there nodding and not really understanding anything. Or if I did I've forgotten it already. Because I'm old, probably. *shrugs*


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