(no subject)

Dec 03, 2012 19:22


So they changed the posting page? This will take some getting used to.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions for reading/watching material for my girl. We're hitting the library at first chance, to see what they've got. :)

It's been a busy week. Mr Felis was away for a whole week, only got back night before last, so I've been holding the fort while being damn busy at school. It was supposed to be the last day of teaching last Friday but we didn't manage to finish everything so we're getting an extra day for our play-writing class tomorrow.

AND! We published our first book. A tiny little thing, the size of a Christmas card, with 31 drabbles, one for each day of December. We got it on Friday and the same day we went to record the stories at the national radio, each reading their story to be broadcasted, 2-3 per day, until Christmas. Guess what everyone in my family will get as a Christmas present this year. lol We're putting some in the bookstores as well. We'll see how that goes.

Of course then we had to have a party to celebrate which we did and I ended up going to mum's place to crash at 4 in the morning, having drunk a whole bottle of white wine all by myself plus quite a few glasses of port and some sips of whiskey from a flask one guy had. This might be why I'm still tired, three days later. *grins*

Then I went to the Student Theatre Saturday night to see Rhinoceros by Eugène Ionesco. I saw a production of it 23 years ago at a junior college theatre and although I didn't remember much of it I did remember liking it. And I was right, it's quite amazing actually. I really liked the changes they had made to the play, like genderswapping a few of the characters, including the main one, and overall use of the stage, the props and music. Plus, the 15 minute scene of a half naked nicely built young man flexing his muscles until he's glistening with sweat as he's slowly turned into a rhino didn't hurt. *leers*

Also been battling a weird cold that mainly effects my throat, turning it all dry and swollen, and my ears that feel stuffed and achy. That might also be why I'm feeling so tired. And possibly because I've been having trouble sleeping the last three nights. *yawns*

Still have a play to finish writing, a couple of short stories as well, plus some reading and writing about that reading, and last but not least, produce something more of my MA thesis story to show my teacher who returns from Australia this weekend. And then there's of course Christmas with everything that entails and my little guy's birthday next week.

Ugh, is it January yet?

Long post got long but since LJ is more or less dead this days I'm not bothering with a cut.

uni, health, theatre, writing

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