(no subject)

Dec 20, 2011 01:41

Just finishing a horrible couple of days due to my monthly torture. Seriously, you're supposed to get better with age (like wine!) but I just get worse. Yesterday it actually got so bad I was in the car and thinking, if I had an accident right now at least it might knock me out. Or kill me. Whichever.

It might actually be time to just have it all removed, it's not like I'm gonna have more children. Except, you know, saying that and making sure it will never happen isn't really the same thing. Not helping that everyone around me keeps having these adorable babies. *sighs*

But yeah, crying my eyes out bad it was. And of course that's the day my daughter has a skating show. So four hours spent in an icecold building, wrapped up in blankets, not really able to sit up straight due to the pain, all so I can watch her for less than five minutes on the bloody ice. *groans* If she ever dares to call me a horrible mom in her coming years of teenage drama queendom I will tell her about this day in excruciating details of bloody gore and horror.

And so it's now 4 days until Xmas and I don't have a single present ready. Quite a few on their way of getting ready though but we'll have to buy presents for way too many. It's not always a plus to have eight siblings, you know. Four of which have two kids each. Thankfully hubby only has one sister with, again, two kids.

On the bright side I got a 9 (out of 10) for the horribly boring and very difficult translation assignment which counts for 50% in that course (the translation of Brokeback counts for the other 50%, I probably won't know about that until January).

And I met with my creative writing teacher today who is really pleased with everything I'm doing, he's gone over the final paper for the basic course (which has basically all the assignments in it, revised and corrected and added speculations from me about each one) and said if he did grade me (we're only getting to know whether we fail or not) it would get at least a 9 and he expects that will be the grade for the other course, for which we will be graded. Well, we'll see about that, I wasn't as pleased with my revisions there but still... Yay! :) Keep on doing what you're doing, he said, you're on the exact right track. *beams*

Tomorrow night I'm meeting with my mother, sisters, sister-in-law and best friend to make chocolates. And drink wine. Mostly drink wine. A lot of wine. Then possibly eat most of the chocolates before we go home. Good, relaxing times. :)

uni, stupid uterus, x-mas

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