"Finland, Finland, Finland. The country where I'd like to be..."

Dec 02, 2010 16:27

Calling out to my Finnish friends. I'm trying to find something to knit for my best friend for Xmas and this one seemed like something she could actually use. BUT it's only in Finnish. I tried running it through Google translate but a large part of it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. *groans*

So, anyone here who knows Finnish, is used to reading knitting patterns and might be able to translate it into English? piksa? Anyone? *puppy eyes*

[ETA. Ok, I'm almost there. A few things escape me though.

"Tee kädentien aukko samalla tavalla kuin peukalo ilman kiilaa lapaseen: ota apulanka ja neulo sukkapuikolla 22 s. Katkaise apulanka. Jatka mohairlangalla ja neulo äsken apulangalla neulotut silmukat ja jatka kerros loppuun."

I think they're saying that to make the armhole I should knit 22 st using different yarn and a double pointed needle. Then cut the yarn. Continue with the mohair yarn and... [I have no idea]... and then knit on to the end.

Help? I figured it out! ]

[ETA2. And this about the corners of the border:

"Neulo 1o, 1n -joustinta ja lisää 1 s joka viiden silmukan jälkeen. Kulmissa neulo 3 oikein, että voit seuraavalla krs:lla lisätä kulmasilmukan molemmille puolille yhden silmukan."

Okay, again I think it means: Knit 1k1p rib, increase 1 stitch after every five. Okay. But I don't get why they mention the number three regarding the corners. I gather I'm supposed to knit into both the front and back loop of the corner stitch but the rest escapes me.]

knitting, flist knows best

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