
Aug 19, 2007 17:12

I just had a couple random things to say. A real update will hopefully be forthcoming in the next few days, but I make no promises! Firstly, Jim and I, upon being very muchly dissatisfied with this neat little flash LotR Who Wants to be a Millionaire? game (The flash itself was really great, and the music was dead on, but the questions weren't challenging until the last couple levels, and were quite cliché and only had anything to do with the book if it was something they managed to keep the same in the films) decided to write our own. We shall probably make our own flash game with some help from Mike (he'll need to show us how to use the program, lol) and mayhaps also make it on something like OKcupid or testrrrific or however you spell that, lol. I'm dying to share some of the questions with y'all, but I had best remain tight-lipped! alas. But that's something to look out for, anyway, if anyone's interested. The scary thing is that I bet like 90% of the people of TTF would get most or all of them with no trouble at all, whereas I do believe it's borderline impossible for the casual reader who's only gone through it once or twice years ago. As Jim was saying when Mike said we should divide the questions into easy, medium, and hard for the flash thing, they're actually hard, insane, and haha, you lose. Or they were then, we've managed to come up with a good many more actually easy questions. As in, you could get this wrong, but you'd almost have to have fallen asleep during that part of the book (or occasionally movie) (but then again, Mike didn't know a couple of those, and I'm sure he wasn't asleep, so maybe they're a little tougher than I think. In any case, I shall close these parentheses before they consume the entire post). Fun-fun, all of it.

But the actual point of my telling you this is an incident the last time we were working on it together. Jim was trying to remember that famous greeting in Quenya, "Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo" (The stars shine on the hour of our meeting, for you non-Tolkienites) and said he could remember "elen siel" for which I did gently ;) tease him. So then when he went off to bed, being too tired to assist any longer (to which I say: Bah!--ok, j/k), he said, "Elen siel Tinúviel nighten-flyingpants." And I...HA HA HA...I...HAW HA HA!!! *stops even trying to make sense and dissolves into giggles*

*takes a few minutes to recover* *gasp-smile* I guess the scary thing about that is how much sense it makes to me...but we are siblings, after all. This may be my new favorite phrase of all time. Certainly in the comedic realm it is unparalleled. And I'll give any who know me from TTF one guess as to where it's going to go now. *grins* That's right. In the Elder Days, this could be found at the end of my posts: My brother: But is it the onion ring of Power? Me: No, but there are many great rings in this world, and none of them should be used lightly. Currently, I have Crazy Brother Quote #2: "It's like a giant hair octopus!" There can be no worthier successor to those gems. I think I must call this The Ultimate Crazy Brother Quote or something, except that implies that I won't change it again, and I think I shall; I believe there will indeed be a mere Crazy Brother Quote #3 at some time, though it will be long and long ere I tire of Elen siel *sniggers and decides not to tempt fate* etc. EDIT: I have thought of the perfect thing to call it now, The Crazy Brother Quote to rule them all. I can't believe I didn't see that before.

The other reason for an Updatum of the genus Randomus is telling you about how awesome the radio show was today. No seriously, this isn't advertising, this is relating some really hilarious stuff that happened.

Today besides Jim co-djing, there was another friend/regular listener, Jessica, adding to the overall insanity quotient of the show. Not someone I've met myself, sadly...She was shy. They got her to shout hi from a distance the first time they came on the air. And then Mike was saying that probably you couldn't hear that, lol, but I informed him it was indeed audible. I'm just going to note here that I don't remember all of these phrases perfectly, but they're as close as I can get. The next time Mike introduces Jessica, and she says, "This is my obligatory hi. If I don't say hi I will be beaten with a crowbar." Or maybe she just said she'd been threatened, and the guys came up with the crowbar in the next beat, but...*chuckles* Jim and Mike kept denying-but-actually-confirming the existence of the crowbar, and Jim said, "No violence has been used on the That Which Must Not Be Named Show. Much has been threatened, but none has been used." Mike: "That's right. You're smart, you can read lips." Jim: "Yes, I am soo smahhhht." Mike: "Not so much." I "lawled", I truly did, and I never use ghastly misspelled internet-speak clichés. *laughs* Obviously I have to take some liberties with Jim's remark there, but I think that's pretty close to the way it was said. Actually something about his tone rather reminded me of Gollum, though I'm sure it wasn't meant to and that's very likely just me. *laughs* It was just that strange though. Mike: "Right, you play the next song, I'm gonna go get the crowb--some ice cream, for Jessica."

So, on teh messengers I said to Mike: Yays! Ize gweeb! *huge blithely and purposefully ignorant grin*
Mike: ??????
Mike: I have no idea what you just said, and neither does Jim.
Me: I want some of the ize gweeb you're getting for Jessica...

Yes, very deliberately pretending I didn't know what was "really" (lol) going on there. Nekogrrl does that to me. Well, she does it in that particular style, most of the others have their moments of stubborn literalism, but they're usually more aware they're doing it. I'm surprised Jim didn't know what that was; I say it aloud all the time, 'snot like he hasn't heard it before. I guess it is rather different in type. *shrug* In any case, I'd like to point out that basically all that is is adding voice to all the consonants. Well, r's obviously can have voice already, but w has a stronger sound and is much easier to say after a g. And b I think is a plosive, too (I think rather than know because I have all these odd terms floating through my head from Mario Pei's Glossary of Linguistic Terminology and random uses by Tolkien, but I get them all mixed up at the best of times and it's been too long since I've read either), but it's the closest thing I can think of to a voiced m. I tried just adding voice to an m a few minutes ago, it was very odd. It doesn't precisely work...just came out as really weird growly noises. I think m prolly a nasally thingy which would kinda 'splain that...but yes, ize gweeb is just the way I instinctively strengthen, if you will, all the consonants in ice cream, to make it sound crazy and kind of like baby talk.

At the next on-air talkaging, Mike said something about how here at The That Which Must Not Be Named Show we're all about ice gweeb and insanity quotients...or ize gweeb. I made him say ize gweeb on the air! ^____________^ I was so not expecting that! There were a couple other things in there...might've been love and tolerance or I might be going crazy. Allow me to rephrase that. We know I've been crazy for a long time, but it might be the forementioned things or I could be very muchly wrong. Lol!

An unrelated but still brilliant bit occurred when Jim pleaded with the audience for donations to The That Which Must Not Be Named Show since they had a "request drought" and they couldn't afford to buy any more requests or...lots of other stuff I can't remember. He sounded like one of those televangelists talking about starving children, I couldn't stop laughing. This ended with, "Please, send your money to...what was the Paypal account number Mike?" Mike said something like he didn't know and he'd get back to us with that...XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

EDIT: And then later when one of the good DJs at whiplash requestified something, you could hear Jim in the background shouting, "We're saaaved!" Oh, gosh that cracked me up.

There were a couple other good moments, that usually would have made me snerk like mad, but they pale next to these things, except whatever Jessica said at the end. That was a brilliant bit of non-sense or almost-sense. I can't recall how it went at all, sadly, except that it involved dingoes.

I should explain the name, or lack thereof, I guess; that's a good and funny story too, if quite a lot older. One of the first dozen or so times Jim was *ahem* assisting on the show, he asked what the name was, to discover that Mike didn't really have one. And so, Mike asked the listeners to IM him with suggestions. Which some few did, hehehe. Mike announced later that "The That Which Must Not Be Named Show" which was sent in by Reem (Yes, our own dear Reem-chan mahcello the foundress of The Writer's Resource Center, the only forum I've yet to find that I like as much as TTF, and a darned useful place as the name implies) was the early leader, and no better suggestion was made during the show, in spite of Reem herself protesting that it was "lame" and now she had to think of an actual name (don't know what's up with that, I loved it; 'tis hilarious, neh?). And so it stuck, as it was clearly meant to do, for all eternity, lol.

And that is my report on this week's show. Which has taken much longer to write and I'm sure to read than I had originally intended. I do hope it has proved worth your while, in that marvelously pointless way it has.
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