Grades & Common Coincidences Part 1

Jan 16, 2008 20:14

Alright, I've just finished my last final for this term. Monday was Neurology, Tuesday was Medical Massage, and today was Business & Law. I've passed them all, so YEAH and stuff.

And now for a new segment of my LJ that I'm going to be calling Common Coincidences

A little background. Myself and my family have a history of having interesting coincidences occur around us, so many, that it can't be just random chance. I'm going to start listing these as they start happening. I'll list some of the old ones today, along with the ones I've just found out recently.

I once had a girlfriend who's father was the spitting image of my father. They were even from the exact same city in New Jersey. There is a very scary possibility that we could be related.

From this girlfriend, I met Ryn (Michelle), who became my next girlfriend. But to start, we hated each other, for various, rather juvenile reasons, but one chance mention of disliking the game Final Fantasy 8, and the next thing, we're talking games, what we like, and more, what we dislike.

And now, the newest. I've had my third session with a repeat client in clinics, today, as well. I found out that she works at a place called Roswell House. I won't get into details, but Ryn's mother used to work there. Sure enough, they knew each other.

And the last. For those of you (few as that is) that know me, you'll know that I have thought of going to card-dealing school. While working for my GED, it was either that, or massage school. I ended up going with massage. However, I've just recently found out that the half of the building my classes are in right now, USED to be a dealing school! *head-desk*

There's more, but I can't remember them all right now. I'm sure I'll be reminded of them later.

cards, common coincidences, massage, happy, nyim

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