(no subject)

Mar 05, 2008 15:24

You know, when I take a shine to an actor, it's amazing what I will put up with to see his work.

So, after a couple very good (considering the show) episodes at the beginning of Season 2 (any ep wherein Jensen Ackles figures prominently in the storyline is a good one), DA goes all . . . cheesy-weird . . . comic book like, actually, with bizarre new characters and stuff that is just . . . silly.

Disc 1 had some good stuff on it. Then, come disc 2, the character of Alec is relegated pretty much to supporting character/sidekick or comic relief. (Mind you, Jensen Ackles does comic relief very well, but it's not quite enough to make up for the rest of the show.)

Disc 3, again with the supporting role, until an ep called "The Berrisford Agenda." Which is all about what these characters are supposed to be about--espionage and spy missions and assassination attempts and inner conflict and intrigue. And Alec is the central character of the storyline, and that ep (the last one on the disc) made me want to watch more.

I'm not sure if Jessica Alba has improved in her acting ability (though she's still not brilliant) or if I've just grown accustomed to her limited skills or if (as I suspect) playing opposite Ackles improves her performance. So, whatever.

The next disc arrives today from Netflix, so we'll see if the show continues to be hit-or-(mostly) miss with the characters and plots.

dark angel, review, jensen ackles

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