Nom, nom, nom

Mar 02, 2008 19:42

So. The third round of N3 Awards is under way. And I've had four pieces nominated.

In the Gen categories:

Claddagh - Angst/Dark

Four Days - Angst/Dark, Case-related, Hurt/Comfort

Family Secret - Humor/Fluff

And in the Het categories (which surprises me because I consider anything I write to be gen. That's just how I am):

Scotch & Sympathy - Angst/Dark, Episode-related, Original Character (total surprise there)

Izhilzha? Did you nom S&S? 'Cause if you did, I'm gonna let you be the one to deal with Frannie's ego. ;-)

If'n you're interested in reading, you can find my stuff listed under my nom de plume at

I'm just tickled that people enjoy my stuff enough to nominate it for fandom recognition. It's a nice little boost.

awards, fic, n3

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