So, less than two weeks ago, I put my passport in the mail to send it to be renewed. I have, off and on since then, experienced fleeting (very fleeting) moments of "Oh no! My passport is floating around somewhere in the US postal service!" I mean, it's not like I need it right now, but come January 2008, it will be necessary to have a passport for any and all travel outside the US (it used to be that all you needed to go to Canada, or more specifically, re-enter from Canada, was proof of US citizenship, like a voter registration card or birth certificate or something). So if Geo and I want to go to Canada (Niagara Falls is one of our favorite vacation spots), we'll need passports.
I just squeezed in under the renewal deadline (thereby avoiding paying full price for a completely new passport). I was expecting it to take at least a couple months.
I got it back today.
Less than 2 weeks after mailing it.
That's . . . frighteningly efficient of them.