The Official Piccie

May 22, 2010 15:14

Page 75 of the May 31, 2010 issue of People magazine carried the following announcement:

Jensen looks so young!

(Click on the pic for better resolution.)

I made the comment to Geo that it kind of looked like a soap opera wedding.* He said, "Yeah, it does," and in his theatrical announcer voice entoned, "Bolt and Chelsea."

It all just makes me smile. Hee!

*Do not take that the wrong way. I've had friends whose wedding ceremonies I've said "could fit between commercial breaks." (My wedding, otoh, was more like something out of The Godfather. Except, you know, we're not Italian and we're not Catholic.) I'm sure the Ackles' day was very special and beautiful and personal and included things that were special to them.

So, um, was there an official piccie of J&G and I missed it?

geo, pic, bwah!, jensen ackles

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