Drabble: Anticipation (BtVS, Giles, PG-13)

Jun 07, 2017 18:01

Summer-of-Giles is currently running a last-line-first-line drabble challenge. Taking the last line of any previous drabbles as your first line is my idea of fun. I wrote the following (also posted at the comm):

Title: Anticipation
Characters: Giles
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Setting: BtVS Season 2, Episode 17
Last line to be used as my first: “Giles started counting.” (Kudos to 
wakeupinacoma for the zinger!)

Giles started counting.

Thick with anticipation, the air congealed around him, almost immobilizing. He needed to focus on something tangible to calm his quickening breaths, to tame his bursting heart, to rein in his mind, racing wild.

So he narrowed his focus on the immediate: The stairs he could no longer feel beneath his feet. The gentle sways of his arm, the soft clicks of the bottle against the wine glasses in his hand. The scattered rose petals, a deep maroon almost black in the darkness. The flickers of the votive candles that illuminated his path.

To where death awaited.

Dreamwidth crosspost. Reply or view the
comments there.

giles, drabble, btvs, rating: pg13, challenges, btvs2, comm: summer-of-giles

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