From Tumblr: describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing

Dec 28, 2015 22:25

Borrowing from a Tumblr meme for fanfic writers, because I like this question so much I've written the answer twice instead of just copy-pasting when asked. And let's bring the fun to LiveJournal! :)

Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing.

There was poetry in the storm: in the slow buildup of clouds that first rolled in from the edge of the sky, in the crescendo of the emboldened wind from a hiss to a howling roar, in the cacophony of sheets of rain unleashed on everything and everyone in a world engulfed and blurred and diminished by the downpour, in the heart-thumping excitement of the sudden claps of thunder.

Yes, yes, poetry, drama, excitement… But leaning into the bathroom wall at work, her rain-soaked hair (no doubt!) leaving a damp smudge on the beige paint behind, and running a blow dryer over an outstretched, drenched, jeans-clad leg, Felicia Craft couldn’t help but resent the effing commute hour mess that’d ensued. The chick over-painting her lips a dramatic burgundy next to her (how in the world did she end up spared by the storm?!?) shot her a pathetic look in the mirror and smirked, which Felicia flatly ignored, because really? Who hadn’t suffered a little public bathroom indignity every now and then (she told herself)? But sitting at work in soggy jeans for the next eight hours? No amount of poetry or pride was worth that.

For anyone who writes (fanfiction or otherwise), if you're interested, my friend, I'd LOVE to see you respond to this question! And for those who are artists, what's an artwork that best represents you? The subject matter does not have to be a recognizable self portrait necessarily (because some of us need to keep our superhero identities undercover). Your artistic styles always amount to a self portrait of sorts. (Please tag me if you answer so that I don't miss your post!) *Squees with anticipation* :)

ask my flist, challenges, based on a true story of my life, social media, meme

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