Aug 27, 2009 18:23
I got Austin Baby Signing Times for her birthday. Austin has been biting me! I have been cosleeping up until now and am trying to figure out how to get her to go to sleep in her crib. If I put her in there she shrieks. I was ECing her but now that she can walk she gets off the potty and sometimes pees when she gets up. She has also figured out how to unlatch the velcro and likes to run around naked like a little scamp. I have to be fast with my finger, because she has discovered her teeth and likes to bite my nipple and drag her teeth. She will eat anything. I think one of the reasons is that she is teething, because even her crib isn't safe. I think since she hates her crib and is teething she wants to kill two birds with one stone and will eat the crib if I let her. I just think of the finish and think eck that can't be good. She hates hats, sunglasses, bows and anything that goes on her head. Austin will run around nonstop and she loves pulling books off shelves, clothes out of drawers, and tup out of the island cabinet.