High Off My Own Brain Chemistry.

Nov 10, 2008 15:08

So yesterday, Sunday 9, I had what was either my first migraine or a VERY persistent headache. It caused me nausea, pain, restlessness and of course strange, nightmarish dreams. In these dreams I am constantly haunted by the number 29, blazing in solid black in the air while some one else (also me) keeps telling me that it's important that I realize what this number is. Also I'm told that one of the actors who played James Bond is dead--which is really weird because I don't care for the series at all, so I can't even tell who it was... I think it's the guy who only starred as Bond once or twice. I suddenly became lucid in the dream and several times told my other half to shut up and let me sleep. I was awakened every hour on the hour by the thought of twenty nine.

I'm pretty damned tired, I feel hazy, floaty, very disconnected. The world has become smooth as glass and tastes like sugar or vanilla.

On the Tree of Life, the 29th path is related to the letter Qoph (Q-K) and is the connecting path between Netzach and Malkuth. Netzach is Venus's sphere and as anyone paying attention knows, Venus is one of the gods I tend to harass. Interestingly enough 29 is also the chemical number of copper, which in turn corresponds to Venus as well. Malkuth, well that's the physical sphere, I came down to this sphere two years ago after spending most of my life with my head in the clouds and have been regretting it ever since.
The Trump is THE MOON, illusions, psychic activity and hidden enemies.
Of all the gods mentioned ANUBIS stands out. I was actually trying to find out a number that associated with him but couldn't locate one.

My hunt will continue on this vein for the next little while.

Smooth as glass, and sugary sweet.
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