Once again...

Dec 29, 2014 18:41

I am starting a new LJ. I've probably started about a million by now.

After six months living with just an iphone and a samsung tablet, I bought a laptop. $400 down the drain. (Well, $200 from a Visa giftcard from the Terror, $200 from my bank account.)

Reviews said that the keyboard was a bit cramped, but after the tiny tablet keyboard I bought I feel like the keys are too far apart on this laptop! I'll get used to it I'm sure, but it's strange none the less.

And... I'm not sure how I feel about windows 8. Tbh I'm missing OSX, but a macbook is completely out of the question atm. Next time if I can justify the money I might get a macbook air.

So that's whats new in this corner of the world.


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