Hold on, just gift wrapping your ginormous present.

Dec 08, 2008 15:36

What do you think when someone gives you a gift that's not wrapped? Do you appreciate the fact that they gave you a gift or do you think "Wow, they didn't wrap the gift, that's so half-hearted." If you're the latter, I just had an argument with you, and I find that to be incredibly shallow. I mean sure, who doesn't like a nicely wrapped present, but in the end, its the gift and not the wrap that's important?

For Christmas I got Danny a wine bucket-stand combination, and pondering on how I should gift wrap it, I decided to hide it in my closet for the mean time. You see, at first I was thinking that I'd wrap them individually and give one to mom, and the other to Danny (bonus points to who guesses who gets the female part of the set), then Mom goes "No." Wow, so she's hinting she wants a separate gift. Okay, fine. She then goes on telling me that it has been a week since I bought the set and I still haven't gift wrapped it. Well, how DO you gift wrap a three legged bucket stand without a box?

So mom thrust to me a box worth 2 and a half buckets and told me to fill it up with newspapers and I'm like, "Okay, so I'll hide the bucket in there and hide the stand in my closet, so when Danny opens the Xbox-hueg box and finds the bucket, he'll be like, 'huh, okay. Thanks Ceeb (pronounced See-b) for the bucket.' and that's when I'll whip out the stand from hiding and go "Merry Christmas!", then Mother-dearest-who-is-only-out-for-my-well-being goes, "No, that'll make you look like you only did this half-heartedly." Then we got into a nice argument at 2.30 in the afternoon that ended up with me wrapping the tripod bucket-stand in white stiff bubble wrap and gum tape and IT LOOKS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. You can see the orange gum tape through the flimsy gift wrapping and see how inexpertly wrapped it is. Tape, folds, seams everywhere.

Maybe for New Years I will move out. The option is there for me, whether she knows or likes it or not. I never said I was happy in this house and knowing her, she wouldn't like to let me slip through her fingers. She'd want to hold on to her little girl for as long as she can, but she doesn't realise that when she let me live my life in my little dorm in Bangkok, she let me have a taste of what I could have (minus the fact that I'd have more stress monetarily, I know I'll be getting that when I live on my own), and I liked it.
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