Status: Blizzarded

Jan 03, 2014 11:10

It's been a while, and since it's a new year and all (and owing nothing to the fact that I'm moderately snowbound), I figure it's a good time to post an update here.

2013 was, for me, a pretty great year. I think perhaps the most interesting aspect of this year is that it was great DESPITE having some low points. Yes, I spent the summer pretty stressed out. Yes, January and February SUCKED at work. But instead of lingering on them, I actually have to actively think to remember what wasn't so great this year.

- I got some really meaningful stuff done at work/Facebook, and then followed that up by leaving to join a company I'm much more excited about (Dropbox). While it's a bit early to say that it's a resounding success, the new job has been great so far, and I'm stoked about the project I get to work on starting next week.

- I stopped boxing and started skiing. I took a yoga class (and plan to take more). I joined a climbing gym. I got a touring bike (although I still haven't taken it out for a > 20 mile ride)

- I moved! Moving up to the city has been an interesting/good experience. Although finding a new place was very stressful and involved several months of crashing with T and K, I like living in the city, and in a way moving out of the clownfort is a step forward, as I'm now living with someone who I didn't know in college, and I'm not "dad of the house" anymore (okay, maybe I still am, but with only 2 people it's not a big deal). Although I miss hanging out/seeing people from mountain view, I still get down there/interact with them on a fairly regular basis.

What is 2014 going to look like? I've got a few specific ideas, and I'm sure a couple of things will crop up over the next 362.5 days, but I instead of a list of resolutions or goals, I'd really just like to keep on the trajectory I've been on: stable, happy, doing new things, dealing with adversity reasonably well.

- I'm taking ~6 weeks off this summer. I know I'm going to do 10-14 days in peru, but I should figure out what I'm doing for the rest of the time. Europe? Raft the grand canyon?
- Keep on skiing/get better at it
- Do more camping
- Run a half marathon, maybe
- Generate a rough idea for where I want to be in 5 years, and a very rough idea of how I'm going to get there (this probably deserves it's own post)
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