I was watching / listening three lenghty interviews with Jamie Bell. He was very open about being a single parent. And in one of the interviews, he brought up Channing. He also said he had no time for dating now, he needed to put food on the table ;p
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Anyway, Turn will return on April 13. After fast forward watching S1, I don't think I will watch S2 while it is airing.
Links of his interviews
https://soundcloud.com/siriusxmentertainment/jamie-bell-is-truly-a-versatile-actor In this one the host asked him if people thought he was gay when he danced with girls
http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/actor-jamie-bell-turn-washingtons-spies-amc-fantastic-four-interview-/551aed3202a760524c00010a A lot of talk about being a single parent
http://aol.it/1DKr9xu Talk about Turn and Fantastic 4