Weibo, Chinese Twitter, has a daily active users of 66.6 million. I guess that's why stars like Robert Downey Jr. joined Weibo last year. Now Channing also joined Weibo. He has a message for his Chinese fans. It means "Hello My Chinese Friends" or "Good Day My Chinese Friends. Fans teased about the Chinese message because whoever wrote those Chinese characters was not very good with Chinese. The word "Good" in Chinese is a combination of two characters "Daughter" and "Son", but they should be written close to each other, not like two separate characters. Anyway, in less than one day, Channing has already got 4793 followers. Chaning's nick name in China is Boss Chan. I think I was the first one who started to call him that on Weibo :)
Also I noticed Chinese and Japanese Media start to cover Channing more. Here is a Jupiter Ascending promo photo which has never been released in the North American market.
Finally news about 23 Jump Street. At Wonder Con, director Lord said "We've found a way that we love that makes those imagined sequels canonical and yet does something that we haven't told you about yet. The sequels are canon."