Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes

Aug 04, 2009 22:23

Is anyone excited about Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes? Saw the trailer, action packed, funny and very slashy. Here is what Watson said to Holmes:

When do I complain about you practicing the violin at 3 in the morning. Or your mess? Or your general lack of hygiene, or the fact that you steal my clothes?

So, looks like they're housemates.

But someone is not happy, former NY Post movie critic Michael Medved (whose discomfort with gays is certainly nothing new) saying audiences just wouldn't want to see that:

"There's not a seething, bubbling hunger to see straight stars impersonating homosexuals. I think they're just trying to generate controversy . . . They know that making Holmes and Watson homosexual will take away two-thirds of their box office. Who is going to want to see Downey Jr. and Law make out? I don't think it would be appealing to women. Straight men don't want to see it."

Really? I still think it will do well in box office worldwide. Actually I think the movie will benefit from it. Want to read more on this topic? I recommend this article.

Merlin creators should learn something from Guy Ritchie. Sherlock Holmes is a family movie which comes out on Xmas Day, but Guy does not shy away from its homoerotic undertones.

Ritchie on Holmes and Watson. "These guys are sort of in love with each other. It's real mateship. It's trying to keep that balance. You have to endear yourself to them, and at times you skate on thin ice, because it's such a relationship about two men."

movie, sherlock holmes

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