Apr 19, 2004 16:22
okie, i know i should be doing hw rite now buut... couldn't resist ^.^
anyhoo! yay! so happy on my b-day today! ^-^ everyone was super nice to me and giving me hugs and presents! i feel so luved! :D and soo many things that just made my day!
1. everyone was realli nice to me and wishing me a happy b-day (but i've already told u that XD)
2. everyone pitched in to decorate my locker!it was soo nice, thankoo everyone! (even for stangling me tani ^.~)
3. tani, pammi, and jenn gave me realli nice little gifts that i luv soo much (is still hugging them ^-^)
4. cathy found saint tail #3! it's such a good book! *glomps cathy*
5. today is a day 6 at school! my favourite day! (because it's got art and computers on the same day, the least stressful subjects in my opinion :P)
6. the first thing catherine (my sis) did when she came home from her babysitter's house was to bounce up the stairs, hug me to death and wish me a happy b-day (it was so sweet ^.^)
7. it was suppose to be a realli stormy day and it was suppose to rain around the time the school is out buut it didn't and now it's sunny! :D
8. jenn is bringing to school tomorrow a kooli book that she says it's realli good! (and i trust her judgement ^-^)
there is probably a lot more things that i haven't mentioned yet that contribute to my happy-slightly-hyper mood but thankoo again to everyone! u've all made me realli happy on my b-day! *hugs*
okie...bak to hw...