rabbits! - where do ''rabbits!'' come from?

Oct 01, 2021 05:46

younger friends - some of them - have a habit or superstition of saying ''rabbits!'' on the first day of every new month.

when and where did this originate?

- n.b. not, where do you assume or presume it did -
- when did you first do this, or see & hear it done, in real life,
- and do you know where and from whom you picked up the habit/superstition -
- and which of these is it, for you - if you do it - ?

the school playground tradition yr hmbl srppnt. knew - and experienced, sometimes painfully - was

''a pinch and a punch for the first of the month!''

- with the action appropriate to the word being demonstrated upon the hapless victim, sometimes viciously. . .

- as a result of which, the near-instant addition was frequently made:

- ''and no returns!''

- which, by tradition, absolutely forbade the same harsh treatment being inflicted upon the person who'd just meted it out, in reflex.

- this was in the school playground etc,
in the late fifties and through the sixties,
- experienced by yr hmbl srppnt.'s self, in north london,
and reported from other cities and large towns in england.

- did you know of - and did you experience - did you engage in inflicting? -
- this observation/habit/superstition ?
- and where were you,
at the time(s) you indulged in inflicting it upon your friends ? -
- or were the unwilling recipient of the resultant bruises?

traditions, society, school lore, history

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