''another place'' (farcebk) liable to be hit hard $$ unless it censors aught a dictator dislikes

Oct 02, 2021 05:20

as the then-new russian owners of lj were obliged to obey the new russian law criminalising anything and everything the ex-kgb etc. president deemed promoted, encouraged or even investigated certain ''sexpol'' topics, ''farcebk'' has been officially required to do likewise - possibly, ''only'' ''in russia'' - but the internet doesn't see national boundaries very easily - so possibly, effectively, either in its world-wide coverage.

the alternative is apparently crippling fines. payable in a hard currency, such as merkin dollars, one suspects: or, just possibly, in gold - ?

yr hmbl srppnt. felt ''nudged'' by this news, sufficiently so to try ''nudging'' old friends who've not posted to lj here for some time - since the then new owners of lj announced that they would be obeying the then-new russisn law - which, of course, they were and are legally obliged to observe. . .

hoping to see some people return, if only to keep a second social channel of communication open. . .

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