yay! snows for the weekend!

Aug 28, 2008 22:13

*Squeee* I'm off to the snows tomorrow night, straight after work. Tomorrow is going to be one long day, thank god I'm not driving. It'll take us, and by us I mean, my best-friend, her boyfriend and I - everyone else will be there already they had the day off,  about 10 hours to head down south to Jindabyne. Which mean we'd get there about midnight. And then we've got all Saturday for skiing/snowboarding/falling over. And we head back home on Sunday and back to work on Monday.

I haven't seen snow in about a decade maybe more, and that was on the little bits of dregs on the side of the road in the Blue Mountains. And it's never cold enough for the Blue Mountains to have snow as in snow fields,  its more of a forest of Gum Trees. And playing in the snow fields, where it snow's like a winter wonderland, thats something I haven't done since I was a wee little squirt, and probably don't even remember it at all, I only have photo's to prove it.

So yeah I can't wait! I've probably be one of the poor unfortunates who will break their tail bone, from falling on their ass too much. Yup. I can definitely see that happening.


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