*Cries* they made me run!

Aug 12, 2008 20:08

I know I'm not the most healthiest person out there, but I never knew how unfit I am. In our regime try and get fit for summer, or at least work off those extra kilos gained during winter. My best friend started a get together, well a few family members (the younger ones anyway), friends and friends of friends to start doing something on tuesdays nights. Something equates to anything active really, be it football, touch football, dodge ball, volleyball, anything tog et the heart pumping. However, this particular night there was only three of us available, so they decided to run a few laps of the oval near my home. The thing is I'm not a runner, a long distance one at that. I remember the days of cross-country where it was compulsory to be a part of the race, I was usually at the back, one of the last few people of the race and I know remember why! my heart hurts, my head hurts, my feet hurt. Bleh.. Boy was I glad that Thursday sport became optional in high-school where you could have your pick from representative sport to something like Dance, now that I think about Thursday was just club/sport day, and that in senior you didn't have to do it at all. Yeah, well you can tell by the amount I am complaining what I picked.

It's still bad though while My best friend managed to do at least 6-8 laps of at least continuous jogging, I only managed to do only 3 , and that's with walk breaks half way.


life, health

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