Aug 18, 2006 22:46
Well, I haven't been keeping you guys too updated on my life this summer, as opposed to last summer, but I have been reading up on your journals and lurking unheard in the background, mostly. I do come out occasionally.
My horse is shipped up to New Jersey, where she will be for the fall semester. I'm going to try to balance riding and school and theater. We'll see how it works. I have yet to decide if I am going abroad Spring Semester. That's the huge question of my life right now, since that semester is the ideal time in my college career to study abroad, and I do want to go abroad. But I only have two more years to qualify for North American Young Rider Championships, which is the Junior Olympics. Quite an appropriate first step for an aspiring Olympian, no? Well, in order to qualify, the mandatory outings are in the Spring. Impossible to attent the mandatory outings when I'm in Europe... That's the dilema. You UD folks got it right with the whole winter session deal.
I shipped most of my stuff up with Vala, so I'm sitting here in a mostly empty room, just passing the time and relaxing before I fly home on Monday night. See you guys on Tuesday, where I will be visiting my horse, then going to Six Flags. Maybe I'll make it to Newark Monday or Tuesday night.