For lastvoyages: Journal Entry 27 [voice+spam]

Sep 02, 2011 18:46

In my stay here I have met a few people to whom I truly owe a debt of gratitude. [Soft chuckle] Now there is something I never thought that I would admit. is true. At any rate, the Barge just said goodbye to two such people.

Are there any whom you have left behind, or whom have left you behind, that you feel you owe deep debts to? Did you get a chance to tell them before they left, and if do you reconcile those feelings now?


Persephone is gone. Persephone, and Biff as well. I will never see her them again.

What am I feeling right now? What is this? It feels like someone lit a candle in my chest.

I want it to go away. I am tired of new emotions. I want to be hollow again.

[private to Armand]
Did you survive your sojourn with Leezar?

[private to Petronilla]
I need to see you Are you all right?

[Spam for eighth floor and deck]
[Those with good hearing may catch a roar of frustration and a shattering sound from inside 8-16. Soon after, Dracula appears, cradling a small pink-flowered plant in his cupped hands. He is on his way to the gardens to find a patch of soil for it. His expression is subdued, but his eyes have a silvery flicker to them.]

digging in the dirt, dogged attempt at...something, warning signs, i don't angst i smash things, got a question over here, i do not have a crush, deep thoughts, at least the plant survived, signs of change, bawww

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