despite everything bush said in his campaign, american failed to remember where our nation stands; how bush actually acted during his first term. There are now MORE terrorists in iraq than when we first entered the war turning them from a possible threat to a full blown unquestionable one. More countries around the world dissaprove of america and
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As a beacon of hope in a world of socialists? I think we remember that. Have you forgotten?
> There are now MORE terrorists in iraq
It'll make it easier to nuke them all at once. See terrorists were a threat then, are a threat now, and will continue to be a threat until our Christian nation dies or all the terrorists die. Remember what triggered the Crusades? Taking BACK territory from.... the pesky muslims. I'm rather not have to fight on my own soil, thank you.
> More countries around the world dissaprove of america and flat out dont like us
Good thing they can't vote here. Please remind them of this often. :)
I'll go throw a penny in the ocean. You go down FIVE MINUTES later and see if you can find it.
> we're killing innocent iraqis
You do know we are essentially the only coutry who will not fire on a previously-non-military-target-now-occupied-by-combatants don't you? The history of time shows a successful war tactic is to raze all buildings used by the enemy. We kill the fewest non-combatants in the history of warring nations.
> we're fighting the wrong war
the only other tabled war is: the war against america. Whose side are you on??
> bush's supposed plan to take us out of iraq
Really relies on the war effort itself. We leave when the problem dies. Half ass wars lead to turnabout ass kicking.
> regean for being terrible presidents
"... tear down this wall".
> minimum wage
.. is idiotic. It hurts those it purports to assist. Make company Z pay Jim more. Gee I guess Z will suck up the LOSS you've inflicted. Nope. They'll either raise prices, or fire people. It takes about six months to inflict the damaged. Then the (skill-less) minimum wage types are worse off than they were before you "helped" them.
> healthcare coverage
.. is NOT a right. It's a privilege.
> the rich are the ones who
.. pay an INORDINATE percentage of the gross take. Yeah, let's give a break to the guy who accounts for the least percent because that makes sense.
Yeah, let's tax the rich more until they leave the country and take their corporations and jobs with them. Then we'll um squeeze money from rocks. Oh, oh, we'll print more money and raise minimum wage!
> government now that is run [..] republican[s]
And UNCONSTITUTIONALLY derailed, interefered with, and sabbotaged by democrats. Fillabustering is great -- when you ACTUALLY talk AND STOP ALL OTHER business -- according to the rules. Democrats are a minority and therefore have zippo right to run affairs of state. Republicans really need to grow a spine and put the anarchist (liberalists) in their place.
[I am not a republican. So you can get that outta your head right now.]
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