_you're not allowed to read unless you participate in my madness_

Nov 01, 2005 20:59

||||The Stupidest Survey Ever?!?||||

||What _______ are you most afraid of?||

*clothing? Bathing suits.
*colour? yellow.
*age? 80.
*hairstyle? Girl haircuts on guys.
*animal? hyena.
*insect? Eww spiders.
*person? Anybody in the business building… sad huh, since its my major and all… but they seriously intimidate me.
*time of day? 630 am.
*food? Sour stuff.
*butt? The butts that don’t even look like they’re there… they freak me out.

||What ______ are you most disgusted of?||

*dessert? Death by chocolate… bad memories.
*ruler/dictator/prez/etc.? Hitler/ Stalin… Hussein, laden...
*celebrity? Angelina jolie.
*parent/legal guardian? neither.
*political correctness? That black people can have all these shows and stuff and mags/stores/etc named after them, but if a white person did that, it’d be considered discrimination.
*commercial? Any commercial that has amazingly skinny/beautiful people in them.
*music band? Marilyn manson.
*credit card? Doesn’t matter…
*car insurance? Have no idea… I don’t pay
*cell phone? Cingular… for some reason, I dunno

||What ______ do you most adore?||

*physical trait? collar bones, hands, hair.
*moral standing? Not impressing anyone… but not being self-centered bout it
*internet browser? eh
*plant? lilies
*travel spot? Puerto Vallarta, mexico
*cartoon? Jimmy neutron, lol
*year? 2005.
*season? summer.
*torture device? tickleing
*retail store? Is sam moon a retail store… yeah, I’m an idiot
*book? My nlt bible… I pretty much love that thing

||What ______ can you most imagine yourself doing?||

*crime? shoplifting
*sex position? ALL OF THEM
*job? Cutting hair
*scam? Asking everyone I know for a dollar
*extreme stunt? Throwing a million dollars in one hour… it’d be a great stunt
*practical joke? Tp’ing the dorm
*drug? Ecstasy… it always sounded the most fun

||What ______ can you most imagine yourself having?||

*type of home? Apt… diff one every year or something… traveling sounds fun
*tree? palm.
*pet? dog.
*tea? raspberry.
*type of acne? The kind that only shows on my forehead and chin.
*pajamas? the nude kind
*shoes? none
*sports team? football
*car? An old something, remodeled into a pimp convertible
*type of lover? an adventurous one
*computer? a flat screen with pearl white trim... like attached to my wall with a flat keyboard and ocean blue mouse... oooh, that sounds fun...
*country? an island
*kid? The cute little blonde-headed ones
*chemical cleaner? windex
*painting? of a beach
*15 minutes of fame? Accidentally walking into something at the wrong time


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