October is breast cancer awareness month

Oct 12, 2007 09:35

What irony.Leaning towards naturopathic cures and away from mainstream medicine has got me thinking differently.I was upset when my daughter's volleyball coach had the team solicit donations for a walk for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.Translation-have the girls' parents donate some money to that foundation so the girls can feel like they are doing something good.Shoot, everyone knows somebody who either died from breast cancer or is a breast cancer survivor.Of course we want to make a tribute to out loved ones.But wait!!!Is my giving money to support research by pharmaceutical companies going to help, really?

John Lee has some interesting reading on breast cancer.Manufactured hormones are not identical to what our bodies produce but close enough to cover the primary symptoms.Most female disorders are caused by the hormones not being in balance.Weight gain,pms, cancers are all accelerated by unopposed estrogen in the body.We know what causes cancer.It is from the constant bombardment and injury from our environment.Much of the "prevention" falls into the slash(surgery),poison(chemotherapy) and burn(radiation) category.So let's go out every year and smash our breasts between two plates and expose them to radiation.While we are at it, why don't we get a prescription of birth control pills to control our periods rather than control what we eat and then go to the doctor when we are sick for a second round.

Next week my mother will start the slash,poison and burn process.Day by day another piece of reality sinks in.I think she is in shock but is trying to put up a good front.I know it is hard but everyone needs to take every step they can to keep their loved ones from going through this.Nobody can be responsible for your health but you.
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