001. Rocky Horror Character Crew || open

Oct 31, 2009 17:14

Happy Halloween everyone! I'm so excited to be a poster here! I hope you like my crews. <3

In honor of Halloween, I present to you a Rocky Horror Picture Show blogcrew! I used a wiki list of characters for this one, so if I missed someone you can still claim them. :)

① First come, first serve~
② No drama, guys. Or we have to brandish the banhammer.
③ Take the code only after you're approved! I update as fast as I can. ;w;
④ One claim per user, and 3 users to a claim this time!
⑤ Put "do the time warp" in your subject line.
⑥ This crew will be open until all the characters are claimed!
⑦ This isn't a rule, per se, but watch fee_garten for more awesome~ <3
⑧ At some point, have a massive amount of fun!

Rocky Horror Picture Show
A mental mindfuck can be nice.

http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" alt="" />
Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html">CLAIM HERE ]
A mental mindfuck can be nice.

Rocky Horror Picture Show
I see you shiver with antici... pation.

http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" alt="" />
Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html">CLAIM HERE ]
I see you shiver with antici... pation.

Rocky Horror Picture Show
For ze thrills.

http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" />
Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html">CLAIM HERE ]
For ze thrills.

Rocky Horror Picture Show
I don't want no dissension. Just dynamic tension.

http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/k/kiss2.gif" alt="" />
Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/fee_garten/1794.html">CLAIM HERE ]
I don't want no dissension. Just dynamic tension.


Dr. Frank-N-Furter ¤ raved ¤ naotsu ¤ crucioed [3/3]
Janet Weiss ¤ [0/3]
Brad Majors ¤ [0/3]
Riff-Raff ¤ [0/3]
Magenta ¤ ecto_gammat ¤ xmidnightdawnx [2/3]
Columbia ¤ tempestverse [1/3]
Dr. Everett Scott ¤ [0/3]
Rocky Horror ¤ l_van ¤ artsyazn [2/3]
The Criminologist ¤ [0/3]
Eddie ¤ clautophobia [1/3]

If there's anything wrong with the codes please let me know~
Happy Halloween!

!open, fandom: rocky horror picture show, @mewshoo