Disney Legacy 1.5

Jul 18, 2014 13:46

Hi everybody!!! It has been a lot of time since the last update but I was kinda busy with the work ^_^"
Since I continued to play on time to time , now I'm playing generation 2 (don't worry , I just begun, so
Ari and Derrik are still young and alive ;)) now I have to do at least 4 updates to catch up ^_^"
I warn you thet this updates will have about 150 images, but since the Disney are co cute you will not
even notice!! Promise!!!
So let's start!!!

We start with Belle acting like a dog, she is insane after all ;)

Damn I love her!!! I have never had a sim like her, she's so insane!!! I only prefers she was also evil,
but she's good... Let's hope for the future Disney generation (Can't wait to have an evil sim that I will
give him/her the name of a villains!!!)

Belle brought a friend at home (the girl sit in the middle of the kitchen, on the floor -.-") and Pat is not
very happy about this..

Pat: let's push her away and play with me!!
Belle: Pat let me have some real friends!!
Pat: but I'm real (heartbroken ='( )

So Belle start a battle pillow with her new friend which I don't remember the name..

Adn then she did this scary thing (an insane vampire!! Belle you don't know how much I love you!!!)

Friend: ok.. you won the battle pillow, but don't drink me please!!

Since it was a full moon night , Belle suffered of  full moon madness and decided to slap her friend's
face 0_0

Belle: oh honey what's wrong?? Just relax I'm here for you..

Friend: you are a crazy bitch!! First you slap me, then you ask me what's wrong??
Yeah insane don't get well with good trait ^_^"

Pat: let's kill her!! nobody will know!! I will be your accomplice!!

But Belle and the girl made up, and Put is exclude

These two don't get along so much, I've never saw a so bad relationship with the imaginary friend..
Pat: I'm not imaginary!! I'm real!!

I create some teens cause there wasn't in all the neighborhood and I stalk them... they were all to
the jym, so I sente Belle there.. (and she's actually wearing sport outfifts!! Yeah ^_^)

She met two hotties, the blond..

and the dark-haired (sorry but it has passed so much time that I can't remember their name!!!)

Since everybody went to swim, I send also Belle in the pool but... she put on her outside outfift...-.-''

and everybody dive, maybe for escape from Belle??? 0_0

After get news friends , Belle decide to have a party (Ari and Derrik are one vacation bytheway)

And Lumiere make him helpful with the pizza deliver =) What a good boy!!!

?: so you look wonderfull tonight!!
Belle: <3<3<3 thanks <3<3<3


except for the blond girl...

WOW he is such a good dancer!!!

and then let's slow the rithm...
SO cute!!!!
The blond girl is alone, poor girl...

While Belle is having such a good time <3<3<3
Love is in the air!!!

Belle sit and Tim (let's call him so cause I'm tired of "the boy", "?", ecc) goes behind her..

And then,, FIRST KISS!!! LOVELY!!! <3<3<3

and second, third, fourth an so on...

While the blond girl is still alone...

And where is Lumiere? He is cleaning home (autonomously!!!) good boy!!!
Lumiere: so will I be the Heir?
Nope (sorry for the spam but since I was ahead in the game I had'nt time for the heir pool, so I choose
Belle. Next time, if I'll catch up the updates,and if I'll have enough readers, I'll do an heir poll)

Jack (let's call him so) arrive super late, so he lost his chance with Belle..

After finish cleaning the house, Lumiere noticed the blond lonely girl, and decide to ask her to play
with him, to cheer her up =)
Isn't he sweet?

Inside love is to very high levels, fortunately I have no hack for teenager wohoo and pregnancy,
othervise generation 3 would be already on the way ^_^"

Then our two lovebirds went outside to look at the stars...

Tim face is priceless!!!

Look at the colour of the sky in this foto!! and the view is spectacular!!

Then Belle ask him to became a couple, and he immediately says YES!!
DERRIK you should learn from this guy!!
Derrik: I'm on vacation, leave me alone!!!

And he stayed till the morning!!! The paarty was a succes and no policy
(we are on a desolate Island afterall)

and these twoo danced till the sunlight =)

Then Belle had a little rest, but after that...

... THERE IS HOUSE TO CLEAN!! And Ari and Derrik are coming back!!!

Work girl!! Work!!!
Belle: I'm doing my best...

She's pretty good

Belle: Lumiere could you help me??
Lum: Nope, I'm not the heir.. is your business!!!
Belle: wait, am I the heir?
Yes girl!! congrats!!!
Belle:ok!! so lets' clean this mess!!!

Meanwhile, Beast is dead ='(

Derrik and Ari didn't notice about the party ;)
Derrik decided to start gardening bytheway

Differently by his sister, Lum has a wonderfull relationship with his imaginary friend Arachide
Lum: She is not imaginary!!
Ah yes, in previews updates I inverted the name of the two Imaginars friends, so Arachide is Lum's friend
and Pat is Belle's friend

Here we have a typical date of Belle and Tim, they kiss...

Belle go to the bathroom to freak out...

then agaun cuddle =)

Ari finally found another mermaid!!!

And they became friends, and talk for ours about plancton...

Derrik Birthday!!! He remains exaclty the same ;)

It was also Lum birthday!!! Here we have Teen Lum!!!

Belle what are you doing on the chemical lab on your father's and brother's birthday?
Wouldn't you poison your brother, I already told you that you are the heir!!
Belle: NO! I'm preparing him a present!!!
I am worryed...

Belle: hey bro, a gift for you
Lum be carefull !! Please!!!
Lum: thanks Belle!!!

Lum; oh! It's wonderfull!!!!
Belle: is a potion to make Arachide real =)
Lum: Belle you are the best!!!

Lum; Arachide drink this!!!
Arachide:what's that??


I made this cause Belle has the desire to make an imaginary friend real, but when Arachide became
real the desire was still there, so I had to make Pat real... =(

Belle: Pat I'm sorry , I didn't want hurt you...

Arachide: ok I forgive you

Belle: well, drink this!!!

And another imaginary real friend, kill me please.. NOW!!!

At least they seems to get along now..

Then I moved the DIsney because of crashes of the neighborhood...
Is always Legacy Island 2, I only made another save...
But don't grow fond cause I will be move them again to Legacy Island 3 (where I'm playng now)
Let's see the unfinished and temporary house =)

And now: Arachide post makeover

And Pat as well

The Disney founds an unexplored Island..

and Derriks goes here to read by his own

This is the new aquarium, isn't it cool? =)

Since she has maximied here guitar skill, Belle goes often to the park to play the guitar, also because
these are her last chanches to stay outside in the sun...

And she met Lopez's dog, the immediately get along ^_^

Meanwhile Ari is teaching Lum the mermaids skils and traditions =)

So they went divynge toghether =)
Lum: what's that? A plug on the sea bed??? 0_0

Belle stays to the park till night
Miss should't you get home??
Belle: i take the last icecream and I go!!

What? the last? how many icedcreams have you eaten?
Bell: only 4!!

I know that I'm going random, but resist, there are the last some pistures!!!

The next day Lum fall down dehydrated after shool!!! Fortunately Arachide was there,
ready to rehydrate him!!!

And now, last but not least, Derrik adopted 2 little puppies, they are one male and one female, the
sons of Lopez's dog that Belle met at the park!!

So cute, they are Rasta and P.. something

Belle seems to like the puppies ^_^

And it's over!! I salute you with the picture of Belle in outside otfitf sunbathing in the pool ;)
By and thanks for readind,
Soon the next updates (I hope)

ps: someone can explain to me:
-how to put "archive" or the name of the post, like "disney 1.5" as the name of the link, instead of "http://federica-300691.livejournal.com/3204.html"?
-how to put small video clips as comment
just write it on the comments, thanks =)

disney 1.5

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