Disney Legacy 1.4 (english)

Jun 28, 2014 16:12

Here we are, welcome back to Disney Legacy!!! Finally I realize how  to resize the images!!!
So now let's start with a new well sized update =)

Thanks to Ari efforts I could built a new house, let's take a look!!
Front to the sea...

back to the island..

dining room facing to the two living room,

and to the kichen.

Kitchen facing to a terrace with a swimming pool and a view on the sea of course =)

guest bathroom (but since I haven't any more money to built a bathroom in each room,
this will be the main bathroom ^_^)


The livingroom, with the diningroom at the end

plan, I know it's pretty empty but my creativity had to crash into mu budget -_-''

So the kids room are very little by now...

but at least they have their bathroom..
While Ari and Derrik will sleep in the studio by now.. (do not have the picture cause is just a bed in an
empty room -_-'')

here we have little Belle, disquieting as always ^_^''

My little cute Lumiere, cute as always <3<3<3

And Ari, Funny-Expressions as always =)

Father-daughter time!!
Derrik:what the hell has your brother??
Belle: just ignore that little smelling mortal like I do father
Derrik: 0_0

Lumiere: I want my mum!! nobody cares about me in these house!!!
Poor child =(

Then Derrik moves to compassion and take care of his child
Belle: you are a week father!!! I'm such disappointed
Even she has not an evil trait, she seems very evil, maybe is just the insain trait that makes
she act like this, or maybe she just jealous of her little brother ^_^

But Derrik gives attention to both of his children, in fact after put Lumiere on bed,

he reads a good-night story to Belle, and let her sllep in his bed =)

good-noght kiss <3<3<3

And he goes to sleep in Belle bed!! What an awensome father!! =)

Belle seems to like parents' bed, I don't know if she will evere left it!!
Derrik maybe you did the worst error in your life ^_^

Since she is insane, Belle always dresses with the wrong outfift (you will see that in all legacy ^_^)

But she's a good girl after all (or very clean at least ^_^)

First day of school, elegant outfift, not bad as I thought =)

Derrik going to work, I have to buy him a new parasol ^_^

Ari stay at home with Lumiere, who from now on I willa call Lum cause I'm too lazy to write his
entire nale all the time ^_^

Lum is soo damn CUTE!!! Usually I don't like male children, but he is a very good exception <3

Belle comes home fromm school riding a watercraft 0_0 aren't you a little bit young for this girl?

I forgot to say that also Arachide growed up (arachide means peanut)
Belle: Arachide what do you want? it's 3.00 a.m!!

Arachide: I just wanna say that you smell like a trash can!!!

Belle: seriously, why I cannot kill that stupid puppet??
It's your only friend honey, unless you wanna reconsider your brother =)
Belle: forget, I'll keep the stuppid puppet!!
ok -_-''

Another typical night at Disney house...
Derrik reads..

Belle sleep with her mum..

Lum play with his puppet whose name I forgot!! Not another real imaginary friend!! No please!!!

The next day Ari tries help Belle with homework =)
Ari: so 2x6?
Belle: 12 , is too easy mum!! Let's try with something more difficult!!
Ari: ok... 7x8?
Belle: 56, mum are you serious??
Ari: ok so 1056x987?
Belle: 1.042.272

Ari: 0_0 let me check (using a calculator)
Ari: is right!! 0_0

Ari: maybe you should go to play, you are prepared!!
Belle: Ok, I calculate some integrals and I'll go
Ari:do you need my help?

Ari:ok.. good work honey !!
Since she's a vampire she's very fast in doing homework =)
That's my girl!!

Ari: since you are so good at shool, I have a gift for you!
Belle: Yeah!!

The gift is a clown fish, who Belle named BEAST!!!

Now with a new no human friend, Belle can just ignore the stupid puppet =)

She prefers play by her own that play with Arachide..
But if you don't like her, why, in the name of God, you plaied with her when you were a toddler untill
have the good relationship that makes she alive??
Belle:Cause you didn't buy me a Teddy Bear!!
I did but you never touched him!!
Belle: cause it was stupid!! I wanted a vampire bear!!!
oh God!!!

Belle: shut up and bow down to the Queen!!!

Here we have Ari doing what she does best, diving?
Nope, eating!!!
She's having a lovely lunch with a so cute and calm Lum on the hight chair =)

Then is time to teach to the little boy how to talk, so he will be able to say a lot of cute and sweet
things, with his melodious voice ..
Yes I love this baby little boy =)

one day I sent Derrick to rob the hospytal's plasma stocks >=)

but he got arrested -_-''

And since troubles never come alone...
Belle got a scolding cause she lost the bus
Belle: it wasn't my fault!! Arachide didn't let me go and the taxi which take me to the land for take
the bus was on late!!

Ari: no more excuse little girl!! you are in big trouble!!!
Look Ari I don't wanna you take this wrong, but maybe if you raise your ass and accompany your
daughter to school, this would't be happened...

Ari:good point.. I guess I can forgive her..
Good girl!!

Ari: I forgive you Belle
Belle:thankyou mother! I promise I will never disappoint you again!
Oh so sweet.. and so ingenuos as well ^_^

to celebrate the newfound peace, pillows battle!!!
Of course in the garden, on night, with fullmoon...
These two are really smart...

Then I bouht these ball to give a gift to Belle, but first let's see hoe it works!!
Ari: will I be beautyfull and young forever??

Ari : ='(

Here we have Belle tring to scared Arachide to death plaing with Arachide, a very rare scene ^_^

And while Ari gets some rest, Derrick teach Lum to walk

Just in case you were wondering, YES, he is a little mermaid like his mum, LOVELY!!!

Derrick: good job my kid!!! Whose my favourite little boy? You are !!
Lum: shhh! the maleficent sister can hear us... She will be jealous!!

Belle: I heard you!! Go to hell!

Ari is still a no-so-good cook, and she always makes a mess!!

So no surpise if Belle prefers Plasma juice to Ari's burned waffles ^_^

While Derrick prefers just Ari ..

These pictures is just to show you the sofa, I find it very cute =)

Lum leart to use the potty just in time cause...

..is his birthday again!!!

Belle are you celebrating your hated-brother birthday?
Belle: yes, I love birtdhays, no matter of those who are, plus there is CAKE!!
Good point =)

Derrick:no more DIAPERS!!! yeah!!!

Derrick:thankyou God!!!

Birthday's cross-eyed..

and finallu my little sweet Lum grows up into a little man ='(

Just after Belle grows up (I bought two cakes but she prferred grow up in the dining room, without
blow out the candles -_-)

Belle: I'm sexy and I know it!!!
Yeah, maybe you would look better without the fins..
Belle: what..??
Nothing nothing, you scare me... ^_^''''

Now.. makeover time...
Belle, i think she's gorgeous and less disturbing =)

Lum, cute as always <3<3<3

But there is another birthday to celebrate even if I really prefer it wasn't : Arachide

And as soon as Arachide grows up, Belle starts to be really creepy with her (yes Arachide is a she,
sorry for tha spam but at least we won't have an imaginary friend love story ^_^")

Than she get nice..

Than creepy again, I love insane sims ^_^

Than weird.. an so on...

While Lum is the cute sweet little boy as always, but I'm starting to feel a little bored about him..

Belle is so much more interesting, i bought her a new bed if you didn't notice =P

Since there were birthdays.. Gift Time!!!
Lum: I hope there is not thrash in the box
But Lum!! How could you own mother give you trash as gift?? Maybe you don't deserve this
wonderfull gift afterall...

But Ari will give it to you anyway...

Tadaaaa!!! (tadaaa is the onomatopeic trumpets'sound) a WINDSURF!!!!

And Belle received...

an eletric guitar!!! (She gained the virtuoso traits by the way) WHAT A WONDERFULL MOTHER!!!

And with this picture of Belle plaing the guitar,thing that she does very well since she maximized her
guitar skill in 2 sims hour, I salute you, see you on the next update =)

disney legacy 1.4

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