Black-and-Red Conflict - Ch.30

Jan 25, 2009 12:56

Pairing: Renji and Byakuya
Rating: M (explicit sex; both characters are very much definitely adult)
Spoilers: for the end of the SoulSociety arc
Discl.: Bleach and all its characters are (c) to kubotite. I do not make money with this.
Content: Byakuya is an arrogant bastard, says Renji. Abarai is an impertinent nuisance, says Byakuya. Unfortunately for them, opposites attract.
Notes: it took some time again, but then i wrote a little 4300 word monster, so i think you will bear with me ;) finally, they're doing it... was about time after all this back and forth. i hope you enjoy it and would be glad to hear some comments ^^
oh and, even though the name of the chapter might make you think so, the fic isn't finished yet! though it is close to the end
beta-read by marinliliz


Slowly, Byakuya relaxed in Renji's arms and there, as eventually the lean body yielded and fit itself just right against the taller and stronger one, it was as if the last piece of a puzzle had clicked into place for the redhead, it was as if finally a picture had come completely into focus.

He took another deep breath filled with Byakuya's spring morning scent and sighed, then moved his face further against the noble's neck until he reached the light skin under the dark hair and softly took a careful nip.

He felt a breath catch shortly in Byakuya's throat, but there was no tension, no pulling back. He increased the pressure of his hands against the noble's back and then bit down carefully again, maybe just a little harder and there he felt a soft shudder and in its wake slender hands against his sides again, but not clenching this time.

First they were just there, flat against his body, but as Renji started slowly massaging the narrow back under his hands, the dark-haired man started to return the caress, first hesitantly but then with increasing intensity.

In the few times Byakuya had slept with Renji he had, with the usual efficiency that was typical for him, found out quite exactly how and where to touch the redhead. Before he had used that knowledge with precision and thought but only to make the lieutenant give in. In this moment, he finally used it intuitively and for both their sakes.

He could feel the warmth of the redhead's body seeping through the fabric of his uniform as he pressed the palms of his hands against Renji's sides and back, seeking more of that heat.

The lips and teeth against his neck retreated to be replaced by one of Renji's strong hands as the lieutenant pulled back slowly, his mouth softly tracing the sensitive patch of skin behind Byakuya's ear, then under it, then following the line of the finely shaped jaw until he paused at a corner of the mouth.

The noble stood still and drew careful, shallow breaths as he noticed what feeling really felt like, now that he was step by step pulling back his defenses. He realized he was warm even though the night air was cool around them and how Renji's touches reached much deeper than just his skin. Another breath shortly stopped in his throat and then was let out slowly as the redhead carefully touched his lips to Byakuya's.

They did not actually kiss, but paused there, sharing each other's breath between their slightly opened mouths. Renji, watching the face before him from under half-closed lids, was enthralled and caught in the moment. Byakuya's soft scent, like a hidden patch of snow in the hollow of a spring meadow; the slender form that hid its power so well; the now dark eyes that were still averted, still for some reason escaping his own gaze. Renji never wanted to miss any of it again. When after several seconds the gray eyes finally rose to meet his there was nothing left to do than complete the kiss. And Renji did so, closing his eyes and taking Byakuya's face in both his hands.

He kissed him slowly, tasting the noble's lips and the corners of his mouth, feeling Byakuya tense in one minute and relax again in the next, as he slowly pushed the noble on.

The dark-haired man felt a passion growing inside of him that wasn't so different from the one that had already sometimes before taken hold of him, had demanded to receive and to be served, without caring whom he might hurt in the process. Without at first realizing it, Byakuya lifted his hand and buried in into the bright red hair at the base of Renji's neck, pulling the redhead closer with a strong grip, then paused as he became aware of what he was doing.

His heart beat fast and hard, pumping more heat into his body, into his midsection and loins and he swallowed hard. Byakuya realized he must look just as willful as ever before, but as much as he tried to make himself to let go of Renji, as not to give the impression that he was seeking to overpower the other, he could not make his hand loosen its grip. He drew a harsh breath against the mouth that was locked with his and froze as Renji shifted as if to pull away. But instead of doing so, the redhead only deepened their kiss, at the same time moving one hand away from the noble's face and to his neck, mirroring closely the grip Byakuya had on him.

For a second there had indeed been a tiny moment of hesitation for Renji, leading him close to the question if the noble would really hold to his words, would really give in, but then the redhead had liked the feeling of that grasp way too much to dwell much longer on the task of thinking. In any case, what Renji wanted was not an obedient dog. He wanted Byakuya with all his willfulness and power. He wanted Byakuya's trust and he wanted equality between the two of them. If with it came a certain amount of roughness, Renji wasn't one to object.

This time Byakuya wasn't unsettled as Renji's attention became more passionate again, for now he was feeling it himself, that burning heat that could only be relieved by being ever closer to the other. His reason was being pushed back by that fire and for once that wasn't scaring him. For once he wasn't thinking about how this might end for him, wasn't thinking of strength or weakness, of dominance or submission. Renji's fire was intoxicating, and now Byakuya would finally really taste it.

He returned Renji's kiss with just as much passion and his free hand sought to reach the front of the uniform which still remained between them. He tugged at the fabric, wanting to loosen it enough so he could at least reach underneath it, but before he could succeed, Renji suddenly broke their kiss and took a step back.

The redhead reached for his waist before Byakuya could even frown, loosening one knot of his as always rather haphazardly tied hakama, so he could reach for the obi that held his kimono closed. He opened it and shrugged out of black outer and white under garment, exposing his tattooed torso to gray eyes that never failed to widen at the sight.

Byakuya swallowed, unable to take his eyes from the broad dark lines on the strong arms and chest, and the narrower ones on Renji's abdomen that moved slightly with the rhythm of deep breaths. And there, further below it, an area that was exposed only now that Renji's hakama was sliding down to his hips, another set of lines started. It was one that wasn't exposed very often, but Byakuya had been following it downward before and he knew exactly where it led. There was hardly anything that could have excited him more right now than those lines.

Completely exposed as the noble was, it wasn't hard for Renji to notice the impact he was having as his eyes flickered to Byakuya's groin. A small, sly grin appeared on his lips. The erection between the long, slender and pale legs was not something to be missed easily.

Being so completely exposed and stared at as now was not something Kuchiki Byakuya would like, but it was hard to frown disapprovingly at the man he yearned to hold and be held by. It was annoying, the way Renji looked so pleased with himself when his eyes finally moved back up to the noble's face. Long fingers twitched as the redhead moved closer again, but Byakuya managed to not reach out for the other. Instead he suddenly sank down just as Renji was about to start another kiss, evading those lips even though it seemed like the hardest thing to do.

The redhead's heart stopped for a beat and he drew in a sharp breath as Byakuya's face suddenly paused for a moment closely to that one bulge in his hakama, which showed very clearly how aroused Renji himself was by now, but then the noble only reached for the yukata on the floor behind him and rose again, meeting red eyes with a look that would have seemed completely blank for most. But the redhead was pretty sure he read in those haughty eyes something that wasn't unlike his own sly grin from before.

It made another wave of heat rush through Renji and he wanted to encircle the dark-haired man again, pull him close, crush him against his own body, but then the noble turned.

A little questioning crease wanted to appear between the redhead's brows but it froze somewhere half-way because the sight that was before his eyes now made his breath catch another time. Black hair gave a stark contrast to light, soft skin over shoulders narrower and less muscular than Renji's own, but instead sculpted in such fine shapes, drawing their shadows in such soft hues in the dim light that Renji's hand reached out on its own. But before he could come close the noble took a step forward. The soft valley of Byakuya's spine, sloping down his back in the most elegant curve, seemed to go through a soft movement, like rolling just underneath the touch of the night garden lights, pulling Renji's attention downward, ever downward.

He had never seen Byakuya naked and from behind before, obviously because the noble would have never let him. Now that he did, Renji's eyes were fixed on the well-formed buttocks and he knew he would not be able to stop staring any time soon. And as the dark-haired man went on, took more steps forward, Renji followed. Only this time he did not follow an order, he followed a promise.

He stepped into Byakuya's room after the noble, half-closing the door behind them to retain some of the little light the lanterns outside could give them. Byakuya let go of the yukata and then he felt Renji directly behind him, his arms once more encircling the smaller man. One of the strong hands was softly holding the noble's jaw, the other went lower, coming to rest on his abdomen.

Byakuya breathed faster and deeper again and had to open his mouth to make it easier to take in all the air he suddenly seemed to need. Renji's chest was hot against his back, the erection of the redhead, despite still being covered by the hakama, was prominent against the crack between his buttocks. But it didn't unsettle him, did not make him want to step away. His defenses were left too far behind for that now. Even if a part of him could still have wanted to pull away, he would not have been able to do so anymore.

As the pressure of Renji's hand increased against his abdomen and he was pushed further against the redhead's hard-on, Byakuya clearly heard the husky moan against his ear, felt the breath pass his cheek. He turned his head and they kissed again, soon falling into a softly rocking motion against each other

Renji's hand wandered lower, rubbing against the light skin until it touched the head of Byakuya's erection and the noble's body jerked. His hand flew to the redhead's wrist, closing around it tightly, but he never stopped their kiss, never pulled Renji's hand away and after a few seconds he loosened his hold again. Loosened it, but did not let go completely. Instead his arm followed the redhead's hand as it went on and only lightly touched his shaft and then he reached further down, between Byakuya's slim, long legs, cupping his balls, while his fingertips sought the sensitive point just behind them.

Renji stroked it firmly, at the same time pressing against the base of Byakuya's erection with his palm as well as carefully rolling his balls against the hollow of his hand. And the noble followed the motion with his body. Never excessively, never pressing against the redhead wantonly or begging, but uniting all his muscles in one fluid and for Renji painfully arousing, wavelike motion. The noble's free hand once again took hold on the base of Renji's head with demanding force, pushing the redhead's mouth against his long neck, as Byakuya turned his head forward and his lips away from their kiss, so he could take the deep breaths his body claimed.

And there was more to the sound of his breathing now than there had been before. Not really a moan yet, more like a very low sigh in his chest and throat, being expelled at the same time with his ragged breath. But with every new intake of air the promise of his voice became stronger and then Renji, growling, bit down on the pristine skin, hard this time. Byakuya hissed and finally answered with a deep moan, not loud, but clearly audible and velvety.

Renji opened his jaws and moved his hand away from the noble’s groin to place it back onto Byakuya’s abdomen, which resulted in a painful punishing pull at the hairs in his neck. Then he carefully stepped forward, moving both of them as far as the noble's futon, where the blanket was still ruffled and thrown back just as Byakuya had left it after waking from his nightmare. There Renji sank to his knees, pulling Byakuya down with him.

Still holding the noble pressed against himself with one hand he opened the last knot of his hakama with the other, pulling the garment down and out of the way impatiently. As he pressed his erection hard against the crack between Byakuya's buttocks he slowly let his head fall back in an open-mouthed but silent cry. He felt how Byakuya intertwined his fingers with the redhead’s own on top of the noble's abdomen and Renji jerked his hips forward two, three times. But then he knew that even that friction wasn’t enough anymore. He could not wait any longer.

He did not think he had ever wanted anything this much, but as he tried to push Byakuya over onto all four, the dark-haired man resisted and it was almost impossible. Only as he had loosened Byakuya's grip from his own neck, then taken hold of the noble's in turn and pushed hard, did he manage to bring him down. Suddenly, too fast for Renji to even realize how it had been done, Byakuya turned under him. In the next moment they faced each other.

One of the noble's hands was on the redhead's neck again, pulling him down hard, locking their lips in another breathless kiss, while slender legs wrapped around Renji's hips. Byakuya arched his back, their erections met and Renji could do nothing at all to stop his knees sliding away from under him, bringing him down on top of the lighter man. Byakuya's legs locked around him and before he knew it his body reacted on its own, thrusting forward hard. Renji felt himself come, growling loud against Byakuya's mouth, hearing the noble gasp against his lips

In the next moment, he pushed himself up, trembling with the last throws of his orgasm, gasping for air, and glaring down at Byakuya.

Renji had waited so long for this, had wanted to have Byakuya, to enter him, to move in him. And now this? Had the noble once more tricked him, had purposefully let it end like this?

Admittedly there was hardly enough light to see much of the pale features, but Renji didn't think there was any hint of haughty satisfaction or arrogance in the dark shadows that were the noble's eyes. And as he felt a slender hand against his penis, that hadn’t yet started to go limp, he flinched in surprise and groaned as one more spurt of semen was released. He felt it touch his own abdomen and then drip off slowly and as he looked down he could barely make out, in the flimsy twilight, the noble's erect sex that had not yet gone through release. There Renji understood.

He lowered himself onto one elbow, so he would have the other hand free and then moved down a little to create more space between the two of them. He laid his hand on the inside of one of Byakuya's thighs and nudged gently, feeling muscles flex under his touch. The noble complied and released his hold on Renji's hips, a gasped moan escaping him as Renji moved his fingers softly over his arousal again.

The redhead grinned as he realized how close the noble was, as he felt the slender hand clench against his neck. He could discern how the abdomen and chest under him moved heavily with Byakuya's deep, fast breaths and knew that he himself would hardly need any time at all to be just as desperate as he’d been a minute ago.

He looked back up into Byakuya's face and said hoarsely, “You're mine.” His voice sounded loud even though it had just been a whisper.

Byakuya's eyes closed for a second and as he opened them again, he lifted his chin in his typical, slightly arrogant, manner. Did Renji just imagine it or was the noble challenging him?

“Let me prove it,” Renji said as he let his hand slide down Byakuya's body until they came in contact with the slowly cooling, sticky puddle that marked the redhead's first release. He dipped his fingers in and then, keeping his eyes on the noble's face, moved his hand lower, tracing it over Byakuya's shaft again - there was the sound of a long, slow intake of breath - around his balls and harder against the sweet spot behind them - a holding of that breath - and then, with his middle and forefinger, stroked once over the noble's anus. Byakuya's eyes widened enough to be seen clearly even in the dim light and he tensed, letting out one single, slow breath. Renji moved back and on top of the slightly swollen pucker, his own breathing fast and hard again, his eyes never leaving Byakuya's.

He moved his finger over the circular muscle, applying pressure gently and then gradually harder, then adjusting his position so he knelt between Byakuya's legs again and could push them apart further with his knees. He paused for just a moment to dip his fingers into his own semen again, then placed them back between Byakuya's buttocks, continuing where he had left off until suddenly and without forewarning, he slipped one finger in, determinedly pushing it past the ring of muscles before they could clench shut.

Byakuya gasped at the slight pain and the simple weirdness of the feeling, but he had enough control over his body to unclench his anus muscles again after a few tense moments.

Renji swallowed hard and moaned quietly. He doing this to Byakuya aroused him unbelievably. And he wondered how it was possible that he was already again so close it hurt. He lowered his head further towards Byakuya's so their foreheads almost touched and he closed his eyes, trying desperately to rein in his passion.

He did not want to hurt Byakuya, but it was too hard to keep himself back. He pulled his finger back out a bit, then pressed back in, deeper, much deeper this time. Without allowing himself a break to marvel at the soft moan that left the noble's lips he continued, but as he, shortly thereafter, entered a second finger in the same, sudden manner he felt his hand tremble.

Byakuya clenched his teeth, but as before, after just a short time he relaxed again and returned Renji's look unflinching. Forcing his breathing into a slightly more regular pattern the noble said, “Do it.”

His voice was hoarse but surprisingly calm. Not of the cold, impassive calm that Renji was used to, but still composed, hardly even trembling.

“I'll hurt you.”

“Just a few minutes ago you were about to, without even noticing it.”

Renji's eyes widened as he realized that indeed, just a short time ago he had almost taken Byakuya from behind without even thinking about preparing him. He bit his lip.

“And how could I blame you,” the noble said with just the slightest hesitation in his voice. “Because that's what I did to you.”

Renji's breath caught in his throat and for a moment he was not sure what to say. Byakuya was right, of course, but Renji did not care about that, it was not important to him anymore. He buried his face against the junction of Byakuya's neck and shoulder and whispered, “But I'm not like you.”

Then, carefully, he resumed the movements of his fingers, trying to keep it up as long as possible. Thrusting them in and pulling them out slowly and deeply until his own moans had become so loud that he hardly even realized that Byakuya had finally become unable to hold his own voice back.

He pulled his finger out and pushed himself up a bit. His whole body was trembling and as he reached again for the cooling puddle of his own semen on Byakuya's stomach, he realized it had mixed with no little amount of the noble's own, hot precum. His fingers trembling more than ever before, the redhead scooped up more of it and then thoroughly coated his erection.

Renji placed it firmly against Byakuya's entrance, bracing his trembling body as he closed his fist around the noble's erection again. He looked into the barely illuminated face under him, the parted lips, constantly passed by heavy breaths; the slender frame that shook slightly, because of tension, expectation, lust. Otherwise though, Byakuya seemed considerably calm. Only as Renji started pushing his fist down did the lids over the gray eyes fall close and Byakuya moved his head back, arching his neck. One more stroke and Renji felt the orgasm take hold of Byakuya. He saw that beautiful man under him arch his back, he felt his own body shake with the exertion, and then, finally, he let himself go. He pushed in, penetrating deeply past the contracting ring of muscle.

Caught between his release and a pain stronger than he would have expected, Byakuya imprisoned his surprised cry of passion and hurt behind clenched teeth. Above him he heard Renji groan as the single, deep penetration and the tightness that suddenly surrounded him made the redhead come violently. He threw his head back as he was shook by the tremors and then buried it against Byakuya's neck.

“Fuck,” he swore breathlessly, still shaking for several more seconds until he finally entered the less violent aftermath that came in softer, broader waves. Slowly he managed to calm down.

Under him he felt Byakuya force careful, controlled breaths into his lungs and the redhead winced. He did not yet dare to lift his head and look into the noble's face but stayed where he was, inside Byakuya, carrying most of his own weight on his quickly numbing elbow. He took his hand away from Byakuya's limb organ, wiping his fingers against the noble's side, then against his own before he carefully pushed them under Byakuya's hip. After a few more seconds it was the noble who spoke quietly.


The redhead pushed himself up hesitantly, biting his lip and looking worried, though that was impossible for Byakuya to see since his face, framed by his long, red, open hair, lay in deep shadows. Byakuya gestured downward with his head and Renji, understanding that he was supposed to move, pulled out.

It was impossible to see if there was any blood and unconsciously Renji let out a long, worried breath, only realizing he had done so as he felt Byakuya's gaze fastening on him. But the noble didn't say anything. As far as the redhead could tell, he just looked thoughtful and exhausted.

Renji let his head hang and then looked around, recognizing one darker shadow as his hakama and taking it to carefully wipe most of the mess they had made from their bodies. Byakuya let him.

By the time Renji was ready the dark-haired man had turned to his side, his back towards the redhead. Many nights without proper sleep, countless days under constant mental stress, a horrible nightmare, passionate sex; it would not have been strange at all if the noble had fallen asleep in that same second. But as the redhead remained sitting upright, just watching, the noble suddenly half turned around again and now, turned towards the partly opened door, Renji could see his face more clearly.

Byakuya did not look hurt, he did not look angry or offended. He looked just really exhausted. One slender arm extended towards Renji and a hand touched the redhead's broader one lightly.

“Come to sleep, Renji,” Byakuya said and maybe for the first time that he was talking to the redhead his voice was warm and soothing.

Renji took up the blanket and pulled it over both of them, then huddled against Byakuya, embracing him and pulling him closer.

There was nothing more he would have asked for in this world at that moment. All he wanted was pressed protectively against him and somehow he knew that everything that had happened up until now, every single damn thing, good and bad, had been worth it.


renji, bleach, brc, fanfiction, byakuya

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