Mar 14, 2021 14:47
I saw this elsewhere on the internet.
1) Have you read more books, or fewer books, this past year than usual?
Fewer, but this is down to issues with my eyesight. I hope longer days will allow me to read more.
2) What book are you reading now (or what book did you read most recently)?
‘Cloak of Darkness’ by Helen MacInnes, which I’m enjoying as much as I generally enjoy her books.
3) What is the best book you read in the past few years?
'The Starless Sea' by Erin Morganstern
4) Do you read more than one book at a time, or just one?
One, really, I have a poetry book I’ve been ‘reading’ for years ‘on the go’, and a short story collection, currently ‘Pack of Cards’ by Penelope Lively, but I’ll go back to the next short story in that after I’ve finished reading ‘Coakof Darkenss’ and after that, turn to a children’s book.
5) How big is your to-be-read pile (or list)?
Seven shopping bags full, one cardboard box full and some overflows. Ahem.
And now I'll go look at what was going to be the next review I posted.
(Manually crossposted from my Dreamwidth.)
discussion: reading,