feasting on poetry

Jan 16, 2009 22:02

My intention was to write a poem, or at least a fragment of a poem, each day for the next 40, as a way of making more space for creative writing and poetry in my life. I'm finding I don't *want* to do that, so I'm revising the intention to something a little less frightening: to post a poem each day. might be mine, might be someone elses. What I won't do is post any of my older poetry - I'll either write a piece or post something inspiring.

Another new regular practice I'm taking on is a daily check-in with my money life, keeping track of where the money's going and peeking ahead to see where it needs to go. I've been spending a little time each day on that, and also reading some good money blogs and books. This might not sound like spiritual practice, but it's good solid earth work and past time for me to be doing it. I'm doing it to feed my soul as much as my savings account.

This is in addition to my existing daily practice of Feri prayers when I get up in the morning, at several points throughout the day, writing before bed and sleeping with a magic charm. I've been pretty spiritually active lately. :)


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