It's 11:48 PM...why am I tired??

Sep 02, 2007 23:47

Ah, so I know I died on LJ for awhile, but I am back :). For now at least. I've been incredibly busy lately between my FPOP (preorientation program), orientation/rush, and now the frat rush and other activities (yay for free stuff), I haven't had much time to post recently.

For those of you who haven't seen my Facebook picture recently, I now have green and blue hair. I got my hair bleached and then dyed at the East Campus party (called Body Electric) during Rush. I like the way it came out. The dye is supposed to last about a month. Although the green has actually mostly come out now, so my hair is blue on one side and blond with green splotches on the other. Still looks pretty cool, though.

I painted my room today. It was Institvte White, which is a mind-numbingly, frustratingly boring color. I painted lime green and light blue today, with the help of Jack, Lauren, and Beth. I may or may not post pictures some time soon, so I'll at least provide a description for the time being. Standing at the door, I painted the wall on the left and the wall at the other end (with the window) lime green and the other two walls light blue. I also did the door and window frames as well as the bottom part of the wall in the opposite color of that wall. It looks pretty cool, I think. In theory, at least. We had to work rather hard to conserve the paint, since I was using the blue paint that was left over from Lauren's room and the green paint she found in her closet. We ended up with more than enough green paint, but barely enough blue paint, so parts of the wall aren't very well painted and look rather shoddy. Oh well, it's still better than Institvte White. Now I just need to move everything back into my room. Hopefully things will look better when my room isn't so empty (I took everything out to paint, and as of now it is all still in the hallway).

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my room. I ended up getting a freshman single. Technically it's a double, but I'll explain it in a second. Basically, frosh get two kinda of rooms (except for this year when Michael got lucky and got an upperclassman room). There are a total of 5 different kinds of rooms and they are denoted by the room number. Room numbers ending in a 1 are 1 rooms, 2 are 2 rooms, and so on. Freshmen get either a 2 room (a double of a fairly comfortable size) or the small half of a 5 room (denoted 5s). 5 rooms are the biggest kinds of rooms, I believe, but since they are so large, they are divided into two halves. Any frosh who get 5 rooms get the small half and upperclassmen get the large half. The room has pretty much been divided into a rather large single and a closet-sized single by a wall with a doorway cut into it. The doorway has a big wooden box opening in to the 5s side (more closet space==good). You can't really see your roommate from your room, but sound travels back and forth very easily. Anyway, the way room selection goes is as following. A couple nights ago there was in-house rush, where the frosh were divided by gender and taken to see all of floors they can live on (i.e.: the guys got to see the all-male and the coed floors). After that, all of the frosh gather in the main lounge and draw a number from 1-29 from a witch's hat (the sorting hat). The number then dictates the order in which you can chose your room. I got 28. All of the available rooms were written on the Board of Wankery1 along with which floor they are on. I really liked the floor Clam (which was actually where I was temped) for a number of reasons, including the convenient location (it's on the third floor and is right next to the fire wall2. As a result, you can access just about anywhere from Clam very easily, including Bonfire, which is just upstairs and always has a lot of action going on. Plus, the people at Clam are really cool. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. You can either be pulled into a room by resident of that room, or you can choose it when it is your turn. Getting pulled into a room guarantees you will get that room which is pretty nice. You can either get pulled into a 5s room by the upperclassman living in that same 5 rooms, or you can get pulled into a 2 room by another frosh who already got that room and wants you as a roommate. For that reason, if you want a certain room it is beneficial to pair yourself with another frosh, so that whoever gets to go first will pull the other into his room. I decided I wanted to live on Clam, preferably in a 2 room. I was originally going to room with Enrique but he decided he wanted a 5s last minute, so I tried to find someone else to attempt to room with. I ended up making a deal with Brian (fellow frosh) that if either of us can get a 2 room on Clam, then we will pull the other one in. Otherwise (i.e. if both 2 rooms get taken before either of us can go), since I considered living on Clam more important than getting a 2 room, I would ask Mats (senior) to pull me in to his 5 room. As it turns out, three pairs want a 2 room on Clam, and there are only 2 on each floor. Both of the other pairs had drawn lower numbers than Brian and me, so I ended up asking Mats to pull me in to his small half. Mats is cool, so I expecting quasi-rooming with him to be pretty fun.

The 5s rooms are very closet-like, although I suppose they have all the room I need. I have a bed, two closets, tons of shelf space, a desk, and even some floor space. Besides, I won't be spending much time in my room, anyway, other than sleeping.

Anyway, just about all of Random Hall went to Chinatown today for Dim Sum (for brunch). It was really nice, and lots of fun, and I think we looked a little..."special"...while we were trying to teach Elizabeth (/ConBrio/Liz/Rederegt[pronounced "redirect"])3 and Jack how to roll their r's during the walk back.

MIT has been lots of fun. Although I have a feeling I won't be saying this in a week. I finally got my actual class schedule, and it is somewhat different than the one I posted last time, because I had a rather large schedule conflict. I also decided (applied and got into) to do ESG--Experimental Study Group. So here's my actual schedule.

SP.2H3: Ancient Greek Philosophy and Math (in ESG)
8.012: Physics I with Theory (in ESG)
18.022: Advanced Multivariable Calc
6.001: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Sounds pretty fun. I don't have my textbooks yet, but apparently one of the service frats are having a really cheap book exchange going on this coming week, so maybe I'll try to get my books then.

Anyway, after I finished painting my room, we ended up watching Bourne Identity in the Alice in Wonderland Lounge and here I am now. Pretty exciting, no?

I should probably move things back into my room now, though.

1 In Random Hall, the term "to wank" has come to mean something along the lines of "pointless arguing" or anything of that sort...slightly different than the traditional meaning of the word.

2 Random Hall is made of two buildings that have been "Siamized" together. What that means is that MIT took two adjacent buildings and connected them, making them one building. As a result, Random is built somewhat like two stacks of 4 doughnuts. Each stack is connected at the first floor via the basement and staircase to the roof and at the third floor via the fire hole and the staircase to the roof.

3 Elizabeth keeps changing her nickname...who knows what it will be tomorrow?
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