there's been a little too much spring in my step...

Mar 03, 2004 14:41

aye aye aye, all this warm weather has gotten to my head. "Senioritis" (gah, how I hate that term...) is a serious condition I fear. I've been pretty darn happy about everything, but I keep thinking that work is done for high school and how wrong am I! In the next 2 weeks, I have 3 assignments for Lit due, AND chapters 4 &5 PLUS the RP poster due. I think I should get cracking on all of it, but procrastination has just felt so nice. I'm not a big dreamer, but recently I just sit and day dream (blame the weather maybe?) all the time. Okay, so here's my promise to myself: tonight I will go to the gym, get my money order for the AP test, and drop off tapes at Johns -stupid me left them at home so now I have to make a trip back to greenbelt-, and read Hamlet. Tomorrow night I will bust my ass on on RP... that's a guarantee.

okay enough of boring stuff- life has been good. Some things are driving me a little cookoo, but at least I can trick myself into enjoying it all. Today I heard from this guy at Bennington who I write to occassionally, he just got back from Brazil. It was nice hearing from him. Yesterday I went to see Monster with Kayode and we displayed PDA just to piss off all the people in the mall who gave him dirty looks. On Sunday I saw the Passion with drew, and I can't think of anyone else who would of been better to see it with. THERE. That's my life as of recent, plus or minus a few details....

let's all hope Nate graduates. Welcome back to math kiddo.
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