Feb 08, 2010 18:03
My... my room mate doesn't know who Jon Stewart is. I... I might have to kick her out for this.
Plus, before she met me she hadn't seen Star Wars, Firefly or Dune before. I make life more nerdy apparently. And if my computer will ever WORK I would really like to see the new episode of Caprica. -.- Work internets works!
Two papers down, in no small part because they were kinda due today. The monster paper still lies in wait for me though...
I love Firefly. SO MUCH. I've pretty much watched it straight through once a year for the last three years. Sometimes twice through in a year if I have to make someone else watch it. I have most of Jaynestown and Objects in Space memorized. And Safe. And... yeah. It doesn't help I have both the Companions with the entire scripts. :D
star wars,