Brain Fail...

Feb 06, 2010 19:10

That's it, no more Irish music for me. BECAUSE THEN IT MAKES ME WANT TO GO BACK SO BADLY. Ahem. Or at least Scotland or something. (Because I'm not Catholic, so I'm not all that sure I would actually want to *live* in Ireland. We'll see.)

This is not helped by two other facts: I've been wearing my Irish necklace at least 3 times a week (The one I didn't actually buy in Ireland, but was my Christmas present from the totally awesome Kit) and my other friend got me a day calendar for Ireland. It... argh. It's a good thing my scrapbook is safely at home so I can't ogle that every day.

Also, I'd like to add in here that Scottish Dancing is still the most awesome class ever. I think even if I don't take it next quarter, I'll need to go to club at least some of the time. Because it's fun and awesome and hey, you're dancing. :D

One paper is down, two more to go. >.> Wah.

Quote of the Day:

In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.
-Hunter S. Thompson

quote, college, school, life, music, ireland

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