So scattered all over the damn place... and hey, my thesis is due on Monday at 10 am. Holy. Fuck. I. Am. Screwed.
Got the lowest grade I've ever gotten in my life to date in German 102, yay! At least, I think so, since it was up on BB last night, but since then the percentage has disappeared off that site, so I guess I have to wait until the school finally allows final grades to go up sometime next week. But... hell. So last night was thrilling.
Also, I've had two really vivid dreams the last two nights. I tend to remember my dreams maybe 50% of the time, and considering how often I have nightmares, tend to wish I didn't. Really, it depends on how deep I am in the dream when I wake up. So, when I have nightmares they tend to wake me up which means I tend to remember them the most. Not. Fun. But, my epic novel style dream last night got me thinking about
this dream from a while ago. I actually really like the idea still. I'm considering going back to it sometime and actually trying to work it up into something that might look like a novel. However, the thing is it would fit into a serial novel mode and I'm curious but also really frightened to try something like that. I would have to do it like clockwork or it would never be finished, because if I stop working on a project... I tend to stop working on it and it dies quietly in a corner. And without feed back or a specific deadline... all my projects go that way. That's why thinks like the RP and stories with Meadow, like modern verse, work, because I'm constantly getting "feedback" on them by the other people writing with me's replies. This creates quite the good cycle for me. My other option is doing NaNoWriMo style projects, where I give myself a word count and so many days to achieve it.
So then I'm looking at something like this, and seriously considering trying to do it like a webcomic would: write a chapter per week or two and post it as such. Old serial novel style. However, the one thing with that... is a) anyone actually interested and b) would you comment on it? Even just a comment of "+" or something, just to let me know someone out there is reading my stuff? Whichever way, this wouldn't be popping up until sometime during spring break, but is it a viable idea?
Yes, this post more than any other on LJ is madly begging for feedback. You read this, you comment on it! I am seriously considering this, but I'm a very needy author for any plans like this. I need to have some support or this project, like so many others, is going to pitter out and die a small quiet little death.