[wedding] Set my soul on fire... [rp for girl_ofsecrets]

Jun 28, 2009 10:45

He was trying to remember when he'd felt this good...and there was nothing ( Read more... )

who - claire bennet, rp - claire, what - somebody's getting married, verse - indestructible

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its_notluck June 28 2009, 18:11:34 UTC
Claire still really couldn't believe they were actually going to do it. When he had suggested going to Vegas, she was sure he would talk himself out of it. She was sure he was only suggesting it because of the whole Anvain demon thing scaring the shit out of him but there was no way he actually meant it. He proved her wrong though; he told her to pack a bag and to get on the bike as he angled them towards Vegas. She was sure others would shit bricks once they realized what they had done but it wasn't like she really cared. This was something she wanted more than anything.

The whole trip was interesting and normal for them. People joked around about how much they bickered but it was their thing. Most of the time, they didn't mean anything by the shit they said. Sometimes they did. But she never worried about him leaving, not really and she was determined to convince him that she wasn't going anywhere either. She didn't need a ring on her finger to do that but she wanted it and because he had come up with the idea of Vegas, she was content to let him choose what he wanted.

Whenever he wanted to argue, she kissed him to shut him up.

As they pulled up to Caesar's Palace, their destination, she poked him in the ribs to snap him out of his daze. Hearing he had looked at the internet to find out about the place, she had to chuckle softly. "Better get a lot of pictures."

She swung her leg over the bike as she climbed off, smirking still as she slung her backpack over her back. She still couldn't believe they were actually going to do this.


fear_noevil June 28 2009, 20:20:45 UTC
Cain just rolled his eyes as he climbed off the bike after her, unstrapping his own duffel from the back. Coming around to her side, he unceremoniously wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet, bringing her to his level as he stole a kiss

"Love you." he rumbled against her lips, nuzzling his nose against hers for a moment. "Been too long since I said that...at least half an hour."


its_notluck June 29 2009, 00:15:33 UTC
Claire still isn't sure exactly what it was that he had seen while trapped in his demon-induced nightmare but she has a feeling that whatever he saw had scared him to death. He was certainly more loving than usual and he was suddenly suggesting they get married instead of waiting till she was older like he had originally wanted.

When he hauled her up against him, she felt the familiar flash of heat even though she kept the kiss chaste. Nuzzling him back, she let out a happy sigh. "I love you too." She gave him another kiss before pulling her head back. "You know I'm really here, right?"


fear_noevil June 29 2009, 00:56:29 UTC
He wanted to tell her he believed it, but it would be a lie. He didn't doubt her word or his own eyes...but holding her in his arms, lifeless and cold, had scarred him. Imaginary or not, for a brief and terrifying time she'd been dead and his world had been as cold and lifeless as her still form.

She still didn't know just what he'd seen and if he had his way, she never would. He didn't want anyone to even know that a world like the one he'd glimpsed could exist.

"Yeah, I know." he lied, kissing the tip of her nose before shifting to hoist her up in his arms and sling her playfully over his shoulder, careful not to tip her so far she'd lose her backpack. "C'mon, let's go check in, clean up, and get our asses married."


its_notluck June 29 2009, 01:10:17 UTC
It was the same for her though. She had held him, bleeding and trapped in his mind, and that was something she never wanted to experience again. For a couple terrifying hours, she hadn't been sure that she would ever get him back. She had thought she would have to watch him die after being tortured by whatever it was that he was seeing. It had been pure torture but she had been determined to save him, no matter what it took. Even if it had taken all of her blood and anything else.

So she held onto him tightly before he suddenly picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder. She laughed, glad her backpack was zippered closed as she clutched a handful of material against his back. "Can't I walk myself in?" She giggled, trying not to swing her feet at all.


fear_noevil June 29 2009, 22:37:11 UTC
"Nope." He informed her bluntly as he nodded to the valet and tossed him the keys to the bike before carrying her towards the door. There was a certain freedom to all this that he loved, being with her and doing this thing. The ever-present rage simmering in his blood was absent, leaving him relaxed...good. He felt good, and he was enjoying it.

He kept her slung over his shoulder as he walked through the lobby and up to the clerk at the front desk.

"Getting married." he explained off the clerk's incredulous look. Reaching up, he gave Claire's ass an affectionate swat as he tilted his head back just enough to try and look at her. "Ain't that right, baby?"


its_notluck June 29 2009, 23:00:53 UTC
Claire rolled her eyes at his back, chuckling softly as he dangled her over his shoulder. She still couldn't believe they were actually here with the intention of getting married. It was exciting and there was no denying the flutters in the pit of her stomach as he carried her into the hotel. She was sure they were definitely getting some looks from people.

As he walked up to the front desk, she tried to look past him but it was impossible to do. When his hand came down on her ass, she jumped a little and then laughed. "That's right." She swatted at his backside because turnabout was fair play.


fear_noevil July 1 2009, 16:40:22 UTC
"Ooh, kinky." he rumbled, turning his head to blow a raspberry against her hip, where her shirt rode up as he held her to bare a sliver of skin above her jeans.

Turning back to the clerk, he gave his name and waited as she pulled up a reservation.

"We have you right here, Mr. Callahan...two nights in the Palace Tower Petite suite with the Caesar's wedding package, correct?"

Cain nodded, finally letting Claire slip down to set her on her feet, keeping his arm firmly around her shoulders. Off her look, he shrugged. "Okay, so maybe I did more than research shit on the web..."


its_notluck July 1 2009, 16:44:54 UTC
"I....oh!" She let out a soft squeal as the raspberry, giggling as she squirmed on his shoulder. She was ticklish but only in a few places and after being with him for a year, he knew them all.

Then she heard the reservation, lifting her head in surprise.

As he put her down to her feet, she straightened her shirt as it had rode up to show off her flat stomach. As she lowered it back into place, she looked up at him with an amused arch to one elegant brow. "Uh huh. And when did you make these reservations?"


fear_noevil July 1 2009, 18:00:36 UTC
"When I was checking out the wedding packages?" he offered, shrugging. "What? Bought the garden package and everything. Gonna be like a fuckin' fairy tale and shit. Figured you'd be down with that."


its_notluck July 1 2009, 18:03:59 UTC
Her features softened as her heart started to swell in her chest and it was clear adoration on her features as she beamed up at him. "You're unbelievable." She tightened her arm around his waist, tilting her head as her eyes sparkled. "Still getting married by Elvis or a pirate or something?"


fear_noevil July 2 2009, 01:38:05 UTC
Cain snorted, leaning down to steal a kiss, then playfully tapped the tip of her nose in silent answer...with his middle finger.

Accepting the room key from the clerk, he bent and once again scooped Claire up and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her off towards the elevators.


its_notluck July 2 2009, 04:13:36 UTC
She narrowed her eyes playfully at him as he tapped her nose with his middle finger, giving an amused huff that was almost a laugh.

"Hey..!" She squeaked as he grabbed her over his shoulder again, chuckling helplessly once more as he decided to carry her off towards the elevators.


fear_noevil July 2 2009, 04:53:14 UTC
"Don't bitch, I'm in no fuckin' mood to put you down." he informed her blandly as he hit the button and waited, shifting his grip to let her drop down into his arms, cradling her in his grip as the doors pinged open. Carrying her across the threshold of the elevator, he didn't put her down even as the doors slid shut.

Once they were alone in the elevator, he stole a deep, heated kiss as he tightened his hold on her. "You are too goddamn good to be true..."


its_notluck July 2 2009, 05:14:25 UTC
"So you're just going to haul me around all night?" She smirked at his back, amused by the idea that he just might possibly carry her over his shoulder everywhere. "That should be interesting. Do I have to say my vows over your shoulder too?"

As he dropped her into her arms, she wrapped her own around his shoulders and smiled before leaning into the deep heat that sent heat shooting right through her body to pool in the pit of her belly. "Hmm, I was going to say the same thing about you."


fear_noevil July 2 2009, 19:42:59 UTC
"Flattery'll get you everywhere, and all that happy crap." he deadpanned, resting his forehead against hers. For a moment he just tried to let it sink in: the reality of marrying her, right here and now. It still didn't feel real, and he wasn't sure it ever would.

"Excited?" he asked after a minute, finally setting her back on her feet, keeping her close with one arm around her shoulders.


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