Mar 11, 2015 23:06
I think school got busy, and I have not been able to come here to post. VERY abridged update-
1) Viacom finally took action against Nick Reboot, and it was shut down pending the supposed lawsuit. This was a week ago. I was very emotional about it, the community was heartbroken. Of course it did not take long for something new to come up. The internet always wins.
2) I am currently in Florida for spring break, visiting my brother and his family. In order to get here, I had to drive across the state for the first time since the accident. I did not take the interstate, but rather back roads and state highways. The first half hour, I had several spells of hyperventilation and would go about 10 under the speed limit. The steering is iffy and the road was winding with bumps. A little after that I kind of got into this state of apathy and didn't care about the lack of steering control and it got better. I made it to my mom's, and in less than 16 hours we were on a plane to FL. This car situation is a problem, however, because I cannot drive to WV for Fairy Fest in June with the truck. My mom thinks I should get a "new" vehicle. I am mulling it over in my mind....