Mar 10, 2006 16:31
EDIT: YOU FUCK WITH ME, I'LL FUCK WITH YOU HARDER. I FUCKING HATE GIRLS. YOU THINK CALLING ME IMMATURE AND SAYING THAT ITS SOOOOO LOW TO POST OUR CONVO IN MY LJ IS GOING TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD? i have never felt bad or taken back anything that i've said in my livejournal. my thoughts, my feelings, my conversations. i don't care who else they involve. "thats so immature but this is you that i'm talking to" or whatever the fuck you said. umm alright thats cool because i'm the one that lives for drama? that starts stupid unnessecary shit? OP NO THATS YOU BABE. allllll you. i really love you sometimes but other times you are as annoying as hell!
first of all if you have EVER talked to me online, you can tell that i'm not actually mad or upset about any of this. when i'm either of those things, i swear or use a lot of capital letters. secondly she did try to end the convo, but everytime she tried to end it she was accusing me of argueing or being upset or something. i don't even know. thirdly, IT'S ABOUT FUCKING SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS FOR SOMETHING THATS HAPPENING IN A MONTH. oh my gosh it's not a big deal? and she can't even lie about being mad at the end there because she swore and really doesn't do that very often.
Danipickles2000: oh and by the and emily are sleeping together in canada
Danipickles2000: you get no say in the matter
Danipickles2000: i get kelly
twisthenightaway: no what if i want kelly?
Danipickles2000: kelly and i already discussed're much too late.
Danipickles2000: but if you'd like one night i'll be with emily and one night with kelly...and vice versa
twisthenightaway: haha i'll probably end up on the floor honestly. i move around a lot in my sleep and don't want to hurt anyone
Danipickles2000: the tub makes a great sleeping place
Danipickles2000: way to twist my words can sleep with kelly i'll be with's not a huge deal
twisthenightaway: haha i didn't twist anything. you just came out of nowhere and said it which makes me seem like you don't want to sleep with her. like i said, i'll probably end up on the floor. but if i'm sleeping with anyone i have no problem sleeping with emily.
Danipickles2000: well apparently you said that i'm begging you to...and i didn't come out of no where..i was just letting you know what kel and i talked about.
twisthenightaway: i didn't say you begged me to either
Danipickles2000: w/'s not a huge deal
twisthenightaway: if theres ALREADY going to be drama because you and kelly care so much about sleeping together, i'll go to a new room. i really have no problem
Danipickles2000: i didn't mean to start anythign
Danipickles2000: are you serious right now? i said that in humor...obv you get a choice..and kel and i were just discussing's not set in stone! i don't care where you sleep..either with kelly or on the floor...not a huge deal to me so i don't see why you're making it one
twisthenightaway: no i'm not making it a big deal. whether you admit to it right now or not you wouldnt have just told me you wand kelly decided you were sleeping together if you didn't actually want to.
twisthenightaway: i don't care who sleeps with who, you're the one who brought it up, i'm not making a big deal, which is what sucks about computers because i'm totally rational about this and it could seem like im furious.
Danipickles2000: i had already talked to emily about this...just so you know
twisthenightaway: but i just refuse to deal with drama on or because of this trip and if its gunna happen i don't want any part in it
Danipickles2000: elyse seriously relax..i'mm not at all mad...i'll be with emily...she's my best friend and i love her to death. i was just making convo earlier and letting you know what kelly and i talked about.
twisthenightaway: haha i'm totally relaxed
Danipickles2000: good..that makes two of us
twisthenightaway: i never said you werent?
Danipickles2000: i know...i didn't say that i did. so are you good now? we'll just go back to how things were before this convo and forget it happened?
twisthenightaway: well i was always good. but i don't think its something that would ahve come up between you and kelly or you and me if it wasn't something you guys wanted. so you can sleep together it's cool.
Danipickles2000: nope...i'm with emily...kelly and i were just simply wasn't like...this is what we're doing..just a biggie
Danipickles2000: we're all in the same room anyways, so we'll all be together
twisthenightaway: i just don't understand why you just like freaked out thinking i was being ridiculous when you are the one being picky about who you sleep with. we could switch places in the middle of the night and no one would even know
Danipickles2000: where a person sleeps isn't that important
twisthenightaway: well actually i want to sleep with emily
twisthenightaway: so you and kelly are stuck together.
Danipickles2000: do what you want..let me know when we're in canada when you decide
Danipickles2000: and i didn't freak out..and when i brought it up you were like haha but i want now who's being picky..this is probably the stupidest pointless argument i said earlier lets just forget it happened and not worry about's not a huge deal
Danipickles2000: unless you wanna keep on arguing
Danipickles2000: but theres really no point to it
twisthenightaway: okay all i'm trying to get through to you now is that i'm not argueing.
Danipickles2000: good
Danipickles2000: so can we just drop this?
twisthenightaway: there has not been a moment in this conversation that i've been argueing or said anything in a negative tone
Danipickles2000: this is an argument..i understand you're not upset, but we're debating something..this just what it's called
twisthenightaway: so that means its not bad
twisthenightaway: nothing like a healthy debate!
Danipickles2000: it what you want.
Danipickles2000: i don't have time for this...this whole convo just makes me laugh...i'm going to work
Danipickles2000: byee
twisthenightaway: hahahaha are you angry?
Danipickles2000: nope...i already told you that
Danipickles2000: i'm fine
Danipickles2000: just gotta go to work
Danipickles2000: you ok?
twisthenightaway: never been better. though this conversation was a waste of my life pretty much a silly thing for you to start.
twisthenightaway: have fun at work.
Danipickles2000: yep..i started it. true. not thinking you'd get upset..and i tried to end it sooo many times but you just won't fucking drop it
Danipickles2000: so i'm literally just smiling and thinking about how lame this convo is
Danipickles2000: but think i'm mad ok? it amuses me
Danipickles2000 signed off at 3:44:21 PM.