i wish

Mar 10, 2006 16:31

i wish i could describe how i feel right now. it's just like this plethora of emotions running through me.

we had a kickass performance.
but so did 6 other schools.
all day, i had people stopping, and turning around, and hunting me down, to tell me, ME, how amazing i was. how i almost made them cry or did make them cry or gave them the chills.
we didn't get an invitation to move on to states.
but i did get an all star award for my acting.
it's just... an experience like this seems so once in a lifetime for me. i know i may sound cocky lately, but i think i've earned it. i worked my ass off on this show and it shows.
part of me wants to end my theater career on this note. because i honestly believe i won't be given the chance to do any better. as much as some people don't like deborah or think shes weird... she gave me a chance. she took a chance on me when i was stuck in ensemble roles and i proved that i deserved that role. this is the last show shes doing in nashua, shes moving to jaffery this summer and i will NEVER receive opportunities like the ones i got from deborah shakespeare thurber.
but there is still the wiz. which...i am less than excited for but what can you do?
i just... i don't know. i can't even describe these feelings, honestly.
and tj and calvin just walked out without saying goodbye to anyone.
like we didn't effect them in any way, like being in this show didn't effect them. they had better things to do. theyll be grateful for it later, i'm sure.
today i had my last show with deborah, my first and last festival, my last dance/rave on the south stage, my last...
ooh i feel so good and ooh i knew i would and ooh i feel sooooooooooooooooo good.
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