Ten Top Trivia Tips about Feandil! - Feandil is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world!
- Feandil is the largest of Saturn's moons!
- Tradition allows women to propose to feandil only during leap years!
- Feandil has three eyelids!
- Feandil has a bifurcated penis!
- Medieval knights put the skin of feandil on their sword handles to improve the grip!
- South Australia was the first place to allow feandil to stand for parliament!
- Abraham Lincoln, who invented feandil, was the only US president ever granted a patent!
- If you kiss feandil for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
- Feandil has enough fat to produce 32 bars of soap.
... sono un ciccione buontempone ... 32 saponette .. :°°°